22 - Strange Heroes

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Superheroes are a strange bunch

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Superheroes are a strange bunch.

But then anyone who dressed up to fight crime was a little strange, though none of the heroes themselves would ever admit that. They'd never tell you how painful this job, that how much it hurts, that things can really be messed up sometimes, but they'd definitely tell you how good it felt to be able to save someone.

The Titans are no different.

They are powerful in their own right, with abilities that are extremely different from each other but work very well together. And seeing as they have a Homo Magi and an Amazonian working alongside three normal (well, not normal per se) humans, they have to be like that. But they are a team and a month of working together has told Aurelia that they are a much better team than the Justice League.

At least, everyone listens to everyone here and doesn't have secret plans that can end up breaking the members. (Yes, Clara told her all about that. Her aunt was still a little bitter about those couple of days).

There is one problem though, that Aurelia's picked up on. The battles they fight and the people they stop...everything always ends up a little too violent. She's the kind of person that dislikes too much violence, seeing as magic is a less physical, but more mystical entity. There is no violence in magic, but there is a certain grace. Even though she is well-versed in physical training, there is no question that she doesn't like to use that. Her magic runs in her blood; it can be limited, but no one can take it from her.

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