19 - The Big Question

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Whoever said college was supposed to be a time where you finally had the freedom to do anything you wanted was a fucking liar.

In between her four daily classes, nightly routine as Lumen, three essays due next week, Aurelia wonders how she has not gone crazy yet. She is eighteen now (and will be nineteen in the next three weeks), but there's no sense of freedom or being an adult in her yet. If you count taking stress over assignments, her superhero duty, accidentally chugging down three cups of coffee in the span of six hours, then maybe she's grown up now.

Next semester, she's gonna take some easy classes rather than that bio class she's taken. Maybe the photography one, inspired by her aunt. College sucks. She'd rather fight Darkseid than listen to her professor drone on and on about Freud.

(Why did she have to choose criminal psychology as her major? Why??)

Which is why when Dick invites her on a weekend date in Gotham to visit this new bakery, Aurelia immediately accepts the invitation, glad that she has the chance to take a break. Saturday morning, or afternoon rather, Aurelia teleports over to Gotham, arriving at the address Dick had texted her about.

Even standing outside this bakery, the divine smell of everything inside (especially the chocolate) makes her mouth water and her stomach growl in hunger.

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