11 - Teen Rebellion (With A Bit Of Magic)

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At seventeen years old, Aurelia Hall had expected life to get a little bit easier, but no. Things are even more crazy. There's always so much homework to do and she's already stressing about college applications (even though she lives three miles from a college). Plus there are always new spells to memorise and training to be done with her swords. There's also the fact that Clara is being too overprotective on patrol. Aurelia usually wouldn't mind it, but it's really starting to get on her nerves.

Fortunately, patrolling for the night is over and for once, Aurelia is glad that she doesn't have to spend a second longer with Clara. She's angry tonight; angry at her aunt for not letting her fight against the thieves at the bank, even if they had guns. She is Aurelia Hall; she's the Phoenix. She can easily defeat a group of common criminals, can't she? Even if they hilariously outnumber her at seven to one, she can beat them. (okay, so maybe she is starting to sound a lot like Clara when she is being very reckless but still...Aurelia isn't reckless. She isn't.)

Aurelia lets out a heavy sigh as she takes off her mask and removes her hood. Her red hair scatters above her shoulders as she removes the cloak, not even making it magically disappear. It falls to the floor, the symbol of the phoenix clearly visible on the back. The mattress shifts slightly under her weight as she sits down, deep in thought. Things are too much and Aurelia almost feels like crying; maybe she should cry.

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