26 - Gloomy Weather

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The weather is dull; clouds hang in the sky, leaving no space for the sunlight to pierce through. She walks down the street, empty handed except for a tote bag hung over her shoulders. She would like to pretend that she is just another passerby. But actually, that's not really the case. Not really.

Aurelia Hall is here for a reason. A meeting with an old friend. Her phone rings as she continues walking down the street, passing by all kinds of people and the window displays of the stores.

"Find an apartment yet?"

"Roy...did you seriously call me for just that? I told you I'm busy."

"I'm just concerned about you," Roy Harper replies, with the concern of an elder brother. After Lian was born, Roy's protective nature was amplified and he liked to keep check on Aurelia from time to time. It was a nice change from his angsty teenage personality. But sometimes, it could get too much. "You quit your job at Traverse PD. And now you texted me you're in Detroit, which is where..."

Before Roy can finish his sentence, Aurelia interrupts him. She steps sideways and walks towards a lamppost, trying not to block the way for the other people on the street.

"Don't you dare say his name," She says in a low, threatening whisper. In a normal tone, she adds, "Roy, I'll do it soon, I promise. There's just some things that I need to sort out. Nothing bad, I swear."

"That kind of makes me worry a little," Roy answers. In the background, Aurelia hears Lian calling for him and she lets out a soft laugh.

"Lian's troubling you again?" Aurelia asks softly.

"Oh, she's a troublemaker, alright," Roy says, pretending to be mad. "What with you and Wally spoiling the hell out of her. She's learning too much from you two."

"Hello, she's our amazing niece. It's our right to spoil her," Aurelia answers cheekily. "Besides, it's not just us she's picking up things from?" She drops her voice to a whisper, quickly making sure no one is listening to her. "Remember when you decided to paint all of Oliver's arrows pink because he refused to let you go on patrol?"

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