18 - Sisterhood of Sidekicks

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'Why did I end up doing it?'

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'Why did I end up doing it?'

Clara knows she's reckless. Everyone around her keeps on telling her that. But sleeping with Bruce? Why did she have to do that? She'd broken the promise she had made to herself all those years ago. Both of them had. They had agreed on it. And now...

And now...this.

'Reckless, Clara, so reckless,' Her conscience whispers to her. 'But you know why you did it. You still...'

'Shut up brain.'

'Just open your eyes and look. Are you sure you made the right call?'

'Stupid conscience,' Clara mutters under her breath. She twists around on the bed, a heavy blanket draped over her body and opens her eyes, only to be greeted with an empty bed. She blinks, disoriented for a second.

"Bruce?" Her voice is husky, full of sleep. She blinks again and turns her head to the right, where she sees Bruce standing in front of the window, in all his shirtless glory (but with pants, she notes in disappointment before mentally slapping herself). She starts to get up, only to realise that she is still completely naked. "Where are my clothes?"

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