5 - Training Time

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You know that feeling you get when someone you know is keeping a secret from you and they know that you know that but still they won't tell you? Aurelia Hall knows exactly how that feels

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You know that feeling you get when someone you know is keeping a secret from you and they know that you know that but still they won't tell you? Aurelia Hall knows exactly how that feels. She knows Clara is keeping something from her; it was easy to figure it out, what with her suddenly being so secretive. But it isn't like Aurelia is obsessed with finding out whatever her aunt is hiding. She's going to turn sixteen in a month and she is on the last few weeks of her summer break before she starts her junior year.

So forget the damn secret. She's going to enjoy these last few weeks before she is crushed under the burden of homework, patrol and training with Clara.

Aurelia turns over on her bed, with the blanket covering half her body. Even though she has been awake for almost an hour now, she feels too lazy to even get off the bed and brush her teeth. And even Clara hasn't tried to make her get up for training, so she's enjoying this moment of relaxation as much as she can.

Even as she lays in the dark on her bed, there is a part of her that is still wary that Clara is planning something because she has that kind of attitude. Maybe that is the secret. Who knows?

"Aurelia, aren't you up yet?" Clara stumbles into her room, groaning slightly as she opens the door. "Did you forget? You have to finish the translation of the book by tonight so that you can finally figure out your familiar."

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