20 - Out Of The Shadows

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The wall has wedged itself between Aurelia and Clara all over again

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The wall has wedged itself between Aurelia and Clara all over again.

It is reminiscent of those few moments when Aurelia was seventeen and they were fighting over her aunt's increased protectiveness. This time, their fight starts off due to a similar reason. Except this time, Aurelia feels the chance of resolving their arguments is very less. They are both very stubborn after all and when two stubborn people with magic clash and argue, there's bound to be sparks.

And yes, Aurelia means that in the literal sense of the word. Blue sparks from Clara and golden from her; clashing. Was it something that usually happened? A void between a family that would only grow as time passes, becoming a chasm of angry words? Was this what Aurelia and Clara had come too?

Their day had started off normally enough but had somehow devolved into something that had been enough to drive a strange wedge between them.

Aurelia remembers she was going home after a busy day, full of classes. She was tired and all she wanted was to rest. She did not even have the strength to keep her eyes open, let alone go on patrol. She just wanted to sleep and for once, she hoped her aunt wasn't gonna make her go or train.

But then, that was where things had started to go wrong. And Aurelia did partly blame herself.

She remembers sitting down on the couch, yawning and stretching her arms, when her aunt had walked out of her room, dressed in full Lumière garb, ready to leave for their usual patrol. Clara had already been in a mood for some reason, probably due to a League mission or something.

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