23 - Ominous Warnings

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It is the noise of something breaking that wakes Aurelia up

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It is the noise of something breaking that wakes Aurelia up. She hears the shattering noise break through her dreams and her eyes immediately snap open. When she sits up and looks around her room, she doesn't see anything. All she sees is the scattered pile of magical texts on her desks.

'Then what was that noise?' Aurelia thinks to herself. She checks the time on the wall clock and sees that it's almost thirty minutes past seven. That's early for her. Unless, she ended up having a morning class back at college, then she is in trouble. But suddenly, Aurelia remembers it is a weekend and she doesn't have any classes.

"Thank god," She says out loud, sighing in relief. Sometimes, with her classes and Titans duties, she forgot what day of the week it was. The perks of being a college going hero, that were.

Aurelia stands up and suddenly sways, blinking. She regains her balance in an instant and suddenly stares at her hands in confusion. Something feels terribly off, but she can't put her finger on it. She clenches her fingers and unfurls them and the feeling fades, though it still remains at the back of her mind.

She checks the time. It's almost evening, meaning it's time for their next patrol. If she is timing things correctly, Dick will now knock on her room to get her.

A moment later, Aurelia hears the knocks on the door.

"Hey, you up yet?"

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