27 - Evil Night

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Aurelia feels her heart burn the moment she steps inside the precinct

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Aurelia feels her heart burn the moment she steps inside the precinct.

It is not because of any magical or physical issues; rather, it's because of a certain detective. This feeling hurts and keeps on burning her heart. She begs, wishes and prays that he is not the one assigned to the case. But something tells her that it is going to be him who is assigned to this case. That's just her bad luck coupled with Dick Grayson's affinity (or need) to help kids.

Truth be told, Aurelia isn't ready to be at the precinct. There's a bad feeling seeping into her bones, and not just because she might be seeing Dick after five years of no contact. There is something evil surrounding the precinct and she has a feeling (or the Phoenix has a feeling) it has got to do with this case.

And what do you know?

Her hunch comes true moments after she steps inside the precinct.

In many ways, this precinct is similar to the one back home. Almost all the desks are rather messy and there is a lingering smell in the air that reminds her of something old; as though this building has been around for many many decades. People sit at their desks, typing away on their computers or are scrambling around, talking on their phones. It's nightfall and the Detroit precinct looks a lot busier than she had thought it would be.


Aurelia spins around the moment she hears his voice. Because as much as she hates to admit it, every single trait about Dick Grayson is burned into her mind and will never fade. He looks taller. She is tall herself, but Dick has grown past her. His eyes hold a rather hardened look, and to her, they look like a mask for the very many emotions he keeps buried deep inside. His dark brown hair looks rather straightened but a few stray curls fall over his forehead. He is dressed in a grey coat, over his white shirt and tie.

"Yes, me," Aurelia takes out her ID from her pocket and shows it to him. "I'm here for work. Nothing else. Where's the girl?"

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