16 - Winter Fever

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"Clara, are you okay?"

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"Clara, are you okay?"

Aurelia is watching her aunt with careful eyes. She sees the forlorn expression on her face and instantly, she is worried about Clara. She sits next to her aunt on the couch, watching her face. Clara is staring off into space, absolutely silent.

"Clara?" Aurelia gently places a hand onto her aunt's shoulder. "What's going on?"

At her touch, Clara turns her head. When she speaks, her voice is soft but inexplicably sad. "I don't know. I...uh..."

"Did something happen? Did someone hurt you? Because if they did, I'll find them now and I'll burn them with Phoenix's fire. Just say the word."

Clara chuckles, her voice still having an underlying tone of sadness. Now, Aurelia feels worried; something definitely happened to have affected her aunt so strongly. But what? She knows a little utterance of the telepathy spell can reveal the truth, but with how her aunt is looking, she doesn't even want to say anything. She just wants to comfort her, as Clara has done for her many times.

"Nothing happened, Lia," Clara mumbles, her voice low. "I just haven't been sleeping well."

"What do you mean? I've seen you go to sleep, Auntie C. Don't tell me you stay up."

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