25 - Lost Magic

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Two funerals take place, but Aurelia barely remembers either of them

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Two funerals take place, but Aurelia barely remembers either of them.

One takes place at the Hall of Justice in Washington. It is a public affair and hails Lumière for her heroic efforts and all that she did for the League. Most of the League is present there, all carrying sullen faces. Lumière had been a treasured member and had been one of the more well-liked heroes alongside Flash and the Green Lanterns. That is the funeral of a hero, but Lumen doesn't attend.

The other one takes place in a small cemetery in Ann Arbor, Michigan. It is the same place where Clara's sister (Aurelia's mom) and her husband were buried years ago. Clara's grave is right next to them, made of black marble. It is engraved with thick gold laters, with her full name, her date of birth and her date of death clearly mentioned. Right below it is a small gold drawing of a dagger, Clara's weapon of choice. This is the funeral of a lost family member and this is the funeral Aurelia attends.

Aurelia remembers clearly saying one thing; 'No heroes'. No heroes. No Titans. She is not sure if she is ready to see anyone there. Even Dick falls into that category. Nothing from the hero life...that part of her life has now been tainted completely.

Yet, they come.

Zatanna is there, dressed in a full black version of her outfit. Zatanna's on-again, off-again girlfriend, Indira is there, wearing a black dress. Boston Brand is there with a sorrowful look on his face. And for once, John Constantine isn't wearing his ugly coat or holding a cigar in his mouth. He is dressed in black, his expression surprisingly anguished. They are Clara's closest friends.

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