14 - On Clouds

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"Aurelia? Are you there?"

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"Aurelia? Are you there?"

Dick's voice feels far away, as though it's coming from a distance. Aurelia is frozen still, caught by surprise at his words. She opens her mouth to say something, but she is unable to form a coherent sentence. She looks at Dick and then away from him.

That really just happened right? She really hopes she's not dreaming right now. She gulps softly before she looks back at him.

Her mouth opens and the only words she is able to get out are, "W-what? Why?"

"Why are you asking me that?" Dick looks at her, confused, but still with a blush on his face. He knows exactly why.

"Umm...it's kind of confusing and sudden? Why would you like...love me?" Aurelia corrects in a soft tone. "And why would say it when I'm wearing fucking Batman socks?" She points at her feet, where little tiny bat covered socks peek through her sneakers.

"Are you really wearing Batman socks right now?" Dick tilts his head to get a better look, but then looks back at her. "But that's not the point, is it? You're trying to distract me, aren't you?"

"No, I'm not, I swear," She immediately denies, shaking her head a little too fast. "It's just a lot to take in and bit hard to believe."

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