29 - Reunions Suck

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The closer they get to Hank and Dawn's apartment, the more dread settles inside Aurelia's heart

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The closer they get to Hank and Dawn's apartment, the more dread settles inside Aurelia's heart.

She does not dread the bad guys that might be after them. Even her fluctuating magic can handle them. What she is afraid of is seeing them after five years, five years of almost no contact except a few birthday and Christmas cards. What Aurelia is afraid of is seeing Dawn, knowing that her and Dick...it pains her to even think about it.

"So who are these guys?" Rachel asks as they walk to apartment 304.

"Old friends," Dick tells her. "Truth is, I haven't seen them for a long time."

"Neither have I," Aurelia says. She is armed and ready with a dumb joke, to relive her stupid nerves, but Dick takes one look at her and quietly mouths, "Don't say a word."


Why does he have to know her so well?

Dick knocks on the door and they wait. It's quiet for a few seconds as Aurelia mentally counts down to the moment that three old friends will be reuniting. How will it go? How will things be?

How awkward will things be?

The door swings open just as Aurelia hits the number three. 

The person who opens it is Dawn, looking just as beautiful as Aurelia remembers, with her striking white hair and dark eyes. She wears a simple top, one that falls halfway off her shoulder. But she looks older and more tired than ever. Aurelia feels a stab of worry for her old friend as Dawn looks at them with surprise. Her eyes fall on Dick first and linger on him for a moment, before they fall on Aurelia.

Aurelia awkwardly waves, offering a quiet smile to her old friend.

"Hey," Dick says, in an unusually soft tone.

"Hi," Dawn replies, still looking and sounding very surprised. Once again, her stare lingers on Dick.

"Hi," Rachel suddenly speaks out, stepping forward and holding her hand. "I'm Rachel."

The blue haired girl suddenly freezes.  For a second, Aurelia senses Rachel's dark power rise through her. She glances at the shocked expression on the girl's face and wonders what exactly happened.

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