1 - First Meeting

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This shouldn't be happening, she thinks

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This shouldn't be happening, she thinks. She's only thirteen after all and normal thirteen years olds should be concerned about homework, crushes and their favorite music. Not magical training, fighting monsters and coming to some stupid Justice League meeting with their aunt

But Aurelia Hall is not normal. She never has been and never will be. That's just the curse when the family ability skips her mother and father and lands in her blood. Not that she doesn't mind it, magic is cool (especially the kind she uses) but the constant training by her aunt Clara along with school work is on the verge of making her crazy. Besides, she's no hero or even a sidekick like Robin or Wondergirl (although she has gone on patrol with her aunt once or twice) so why is there a need for her to be a part to go with Clara to Gotham for some stupid meeting, she doesn't understand. 

But the league meeting is happening at Wayne Manor, which can only mean one thing. Bruce Wayne is Batman. Holy shit. That fact is enough to blow Aurelia's mind, more than the fact that she is going to see the other heroes (it's only Wonder Woman though). After, Batman has always been one of her favorite heroes.

The journey to the Wayne Manor is easy for the two magicians. Both have the capability to teleport using the ability that lies in their blood. The spell is not some difficult incantation like a lot of spells are. It's two simple words, which should be followed by a mental visualization of the place you want to go to. Open Door. But since Aurelia has never been to Gotham (or for that matter Wayne Manor), she has to rely on her aunt's description. 

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