Obi-Wan Kenobi

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The man led me into a small kitchen-like room. He took a at at the table, motioning for me to do the same. Then he began to explain everything. How my father had once been a jedi, who fell in love with a senator. He explained how I was force concieved to the couple, though they had tried to keep their relations a secret. He told me how the Chancellor as really a sith, and how he corrupted my father's mind. He told me of a battle between master and apprentice, and how my father had nearly brurned to death.

I sat in silence, soaking the information in. I had no attachments to the galactic empire besides my father, as Dantooine had been a planet housing hundreds of rebels. I had been sympathetic to their cause since I had learned to speak, and now, being in the outer rim, I had seen the damage that the Emperor inflicted.

It was as if I was in a battle between myself. One side of me wanted to stay with Obi-Wan, with the rebels, and help their cause. It was the right thing to do. Yet, the other half wanted to stick with the Empire, where I could live with my father and prosper.

Obi-Wan seemed to sense my confusion, as he sat down, letting off a relaxed vibe that my finely tuned skills hinted at. He reclined on the wooden chair, gazing softly at me. "I won't force you either way, Lani." He said, his eyes scanning me for a response. "If you decided you wanted your father I would send you back on a heart beat."


The old Jedi shrugged. "The sith are emptied of love. But I can sense that you love your father, and that the bond between you goes deeper than it appears. He loves you, Lani, and that is the first step towards reigning him back to the light side."

I nodded. If anyone was to change my father's mind about the Empire, it would be me. He always listened to me with intent, allowing me to bend his will. It had never occurred to me that my feelings were returned by my father however, and the thought that he loved me back brightened my mood considerably.

Sorry for the SUPER short update, I couldn't think of anywhere else to go with this chapter. Never fear, I have a three day weekend, so I will write a super long update for you next, which will include Luke, yaaaay!

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