The Emperor

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I was picked up from another long day of school by Captain Piette and Kiara. However, we didn't go back to the Imperial Palace, but to the middle of Coruscant, to the old Galactic Senate Chambers. "Today is a big day for you, Lani." Piette said, glancing at me. "Today you get to met the Emperor."

I froze. I hadn't expected it to come so soon. I had only found our that Lord Vader was my father last night, and now I was already sucked into the sith world.

We came to a stop infront of the Chamberd. My heart was beating a mile a minute, and my stomach was full of butterflies. "Lord Vader is waiting for you inside."

I stepped out of the speeder, grabbed my schoolbag, and took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

The second the doors closed, I was ambushed by my father. "Lani!" He cried softly, grabbing my shoulders. "How do you feel?"

"Nervous." I said, starting at my feet.

"Don't be."

That's reassuring.

I started as my father took several steps forward. "Stay here, I'll come get you when its your turn to meet the Emperor.

I gulped. I sat down at a small bench, taking deep breaths. I could hear the hum of my father's mechanical voice, and the sharp tine of the Emperor.

Focus, Lani.

I closed my eyes, drifting away.



My eyes snapped open. "You were meditating." Vader said, helping me off the bench. "Come along, its your turn. And remember your manners."

The Galactic Senate Chambers were huge. A hooded figure stood in the middle of the circular room. I tensed, and my father put a gloved hand on my back on an attempt to calm me. It helped only a little, leaning my breathing short and quick, and my heart pounding in my chest.

"Hello, Miss Skywalker."

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