The Truth Comes Out

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I meet up with Kiara after school. Her Dad came by in an Imperial speeder to pick is up. He dropped Kiara off at a small house, then we went on to the Imperial Palace.

A clone waited by the door to open it. "Miss Skywalker. Captain Piette." He nodded.

"Hello!" I said smiling. Captain shook his head with silent laughter. I went up to my room, and pulled several books out of my bag, and Meaghan to start doing my homework. That lasted for about an hour. Then, once I was done, I began to repack my bag for tomorrow. But before I could shove my books on, I noticed a crumpled piece of paper at the bottom of the tote.


I hope you enjoy your first day of school. Remember you are NOT a slave anymore, and therefore do not have to act like one. At school, while it is vital to be respectful, you can also voice your own opinions, and  speak up if something is wrong.

If you ever need anything, you can come talk to me. I'll answer any questions you have.

Lord Vader

The letter shocked me. I hadn't expected anything from the sith, none the less advice. I sat, pondering over the letter for quite some time, trying to make sense of the advice, and why he would give it to me.

And to make matters worse, I still wasn't sure why he had excitedly adopted me. Sure, I was strong in this force thing, but why does that make me so special, special enough to live on the Imperial Palace, and be the adopted daughter of a sith lord. Why?

There was no place better to look for answers than the sith lord himself. So that's where I went.

I knocked on the door of the office where I knew he often went to sit and to sith-lord-stuff.

"Come in."

I opened the door and slipped inside.

"Sir down, Lani. What is it you would like to ask me?"

I gulped. There he goes again, reading my thoughts. I took a seat in the black chair opposite of Darth Vader. "Uh, Sir, I was wondering, why did you take me here and let me live with you?"

Vader sighed. His shoulders rose and feel once before he spoke. "I knew your parents, Lani."

I gasped. "Really?"

"Yes. I... I am your father."

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