The Rebellion

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I didn't speak to anyone. How could I? My father probably hated me, Obi-Wan was dead, and now Han, Luke, Chewbacca, and Princess Leia were all staring at me as if I was sick with some sort of contagious disease that they would catch if they strayed too close. Letting Leia take the co-pilot seat, I slunk in the back of the cockpit, watching the pair, brooding about my situation. I almost hoped the outspoken Princess would direct the blame on me, that she would figure out why the stormtroopers had stopped during at us when I acted injured. Why the escape was too easy. 

"Not a bad rescue, huh?" Han asked, relaxing as we entered hyperspace, stretching the distance between us and the Death Star. He took off his gloves, clearly proud of himself and the rescue operation. "You know," he started, "sometimes I amaze even myself."

I snorted, but the pair hardly glanced my way.

"That doesn't sound too hard," Leia said, her anger flaring. "They let us go. It's the only explanation for the ease of our escape." 

"Easy?" Han cried. "You call that easy?" 

"They're tracking us." You bet they were. The princess knew her stuff, I'll give her that. 

"Not this ship, sister," Han replied. I scoffed yet again, but the pair continued to glare angrily at each other. 

"At least the R2 unit is still intact," Leia sighed. I could sense she was relieved that one thing in this terrible rescue mission had actually gone right. 

Han stiffened. "What is so important?" Han asked angrily. "What is he carrying?"

"The technical readouts of that battle station. I only hope when the data is analyzed a weakness can be found." Leia sighed softly, recognizing the weight that still rested upon her shoulders. "It's not over yet," she continued, ready to forge on. 

"It is for me, sister," Han said quickly, astounded. "Look, I didn't do this for your revolution, and I'm not in it for you, Princess. I expect to be well paid. I'm in it for the money." Han cut straight to the chase, and Leia glared at him, disgusted. 

"You needn't worry about your reward," she said, sickly sweet. "If money is all you love, that's what you'll receive." She turned and to leave the cockpit, facing Luke, who was entering. "Your friend is quite the mercenary." She stated. It wasn't a question, but a fact. "I wonder if he really cares for anything... or anyone." Turning on her heel, she left.

"I care," Luke said to her retreating back. He sat down in the co-pilot seat Leia had just vacated. "So...what do you think of her?" Luke asked, his mind still reeling. 

"I'm trying not to," Han replied.

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