School Admissions

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Captain Piette showed me all around Coruscaunt. I saw the stores, the senate building, and the Emperor's Palace before we came to a stop before the large glass covered school.

Before either of us could raise our hands to knock on the large front door, it was whisked open by a lady in a navy blue dress, the headmistress, I assumed. She stepped aside to let the Captain and I theotgh, Piette politely inclining his head as he passed. I was in too much awe to even bother to attempt to be polite. 

"Captain Piette. I wasn't expecting you." The lady purred. The captain nodded shortly. He didn't seem to want to talk to the lady any mote than he needed to. No one could blame him. She was flat out flirting with the man, making goo goo eyes at him behind his back. I was used to this amount to lusting attention, as many ladies from different planets often came trying to woo King Xitis. That did not, however, make me any less grossed out.

"Yes, Sorry Principal Xxord, but Lani Skywalker here needs to be enrolled into your academy." Captain Piette pushed me forward as Principal Xxord turned swiftly on her heel, vanishing into an office. I followed in suit, as slowly as I could. I was NOT excited for school. 

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