Apologising Or Not?

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She did not expect him to listen to her, but he stayed and she ran away to go take a shower and get dressed.

She didn't run in the hall to her room. She walked pretty fast though, but she also did not really look where she walked. She bumped into Thor. "Oh sorry Thor didn't see you there" She said. He was on his way to the training room to go training but when Y/n bumped into him he asked: "Lady Y/n why don't you look where you walk? is there something wrong? You know you can tell me" He noticed her tears.

She nods her haid. "yes everything's fine...erm just a little pain in my eyes from swimming" He asked: "So you were swimming? Were you alone?" She answered: "Yeah, can't you see my bikini and towel? and my hair dripping? and yes I was alone till some kind of weird guy came in, he said he was a god?" Thor whispered angry: "Loki!...I am going to kill him!" Unfortunately (for Thor) Y/n heard him saying that. "Yeah! Loki! how do you know him? And how do you know he was there? Are you really going to kill him?!" He replied: Erm he kinda told me and he...he is my-

Loki teleported to look after Y/n to see if she was okay after he saw her run away crying. He teleported right behind her and said: "Hello Y/n, brother. I hope I am not interrupting anything?" Y/n and Thor replied different answers at the same time. Y/n: "No you aren't" Thor: "yes you do!"

Loki replied: Well sorry not sorry brother" Thor replies: "Yeah ofcourse you say sorry NOT sorry, you have never said and meant that before, to no one! so why would you now?!?" Y/n is confused and has a question, but actually doesn't want to ask it because (she thinks) it is a dumb question. "common dear I know you got something on your mind, just tell us" Loki said annoyed. "If you would have really wanted to know you could have read my mind tho but, erm you call Thor your brother? Why's that? Wait! Are you guys really brothers?" She answered his question with another question. Thor and Loki replied. Thor: "Unfortunately yes" He looked down. Loki: "Good guess...pet" He looked her right in her face and said this sarcastically.

"You don't have to be rude, Loki!" Thor said looking up again while trying to sign he meant the word Loki called Y/n. "You don't talk to a girl like that brother! Did you not notice her crying?!" He also said. Loki answered: "I noticed kay, look I only came here to look after Y/n, also when we were in the swimming pool together she said she liked it, but forget that for now, please can you leave us alone Thor? Brother?" Thor answered: "Yeah, I was heading to the training room anyways, make sure you get dressed Y/n!" He leaves them in the hall, puts his hand up to wave at them. Y/n answer just before he is gone: "Will do!"

Now she and Loki were all alone in the hall, Loki wanted to apologise but did not know how to.

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