In Y/n's Room. pt.2

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She panicked a little. *In her head* "Does he know? Do I have to tell him? What if he knows? You know what? I will tell him!" Reaching his mind

She decides to wink at him and reaches in his mind successfully and teases him a little. "Honey, Love, Darling, Master!
...You know we are already a couple, right?
I just don't feel like telling anyone just yet!
And erm...I am not just... a...Midgardian...hehehe...
I am from Asgard too!
I did not tell you this yet, but...I have to be honest...with love!
I lived in the forest of Asgard! For years!
Some guys kidnapped me and sorta raised me there in the forest.
Everyone knew me after they changed me! They always called me The Mischievous Girl of the forest of Asgard.
I still don't know why they called me that, or what the guys that kidnapped me had done to me, or-or what I have done back then!
The only thing I know is that I killed people! A lot of people! and I feel bad about it.....I guess...The rest of my past, I don't know the rest of it, so I can not tell you more...unfortunately...
sorry tho"

She starts to tear up a bit, but she doesn't feel it or even know it. That is also a magical power thing she didn't know about.

Loki reaches in her mind.
"As you wish My Pet, Darling, my Princess! We won't tell anyone yet. Wait! The Mischievous Girl, you say? I have read a book about it.....Lives in the forest of Asgard.....well not anymore...She now lives on Midgard...with me! I have loved that book since the moment I read it, but I always thought it was a legend! A myth!"

Then he notices Y/n crying. And he says this out loud (not in Y/n's mind anymore):
"Hey! Hey it's okay! don't cry, my dear! Y/n!
I meant Y/n, sorry it is a habit to call some people 'dear' "

"Huh? What do you mean, don't cry?! Wait! Am I doing another magical power thing I didn't know about, again?" Y/n asks Loki.

"Y/n?" Wanda asked to get her attention.
"Yes?" Y/n replies to show she has her attention.
Wanda asks her the real question now:
"Did you learn to do any more things with your the pool for example?"

It was just like Wanda knew she learned to do new things, like she send loki to help her, figure out what she could do more. Was that true or just Y/n thinking?

"Yes actually, Loki kinda helped me though, I mean you know I could already let things float and control water a little bit. You already knew that so yeah actually didn't have to tell that again but yeah I want to know all that I can do, I need to remember it!
The thing I already could a little bit but learned more is signing. The other things I did not know I could that I learned today...erm I learned reading someone's mind, for that I am still sorry Loki. And I learned to reach into someones mind and I learned to communicate through minds,
...oh...and I just cried without even noticing or feeling it. Loki saw it! I was like...what? did I do that? oh right you saw it too!"

Wanda and vision at the same time by chance said enthusiastic, but then tone changing: "Wow that is amazing! Except for crying while not noticing"

Wanda laughs because it was at the same time by chance and then said:
"Maybe Loki should train you! In stead of" She laughs and winks at Y/n. Loki smirks a little at Y/n and then Wanda added: "Maybe you would get a great bond and be really good friends, maybe even lovers, hehehe"

Was this really a plan? Did Wanda and Natasha want her to be with him? Near him? In love with him? or is it just what Y/n thinks of again?

Y/n insecurely and a little bit untrustingly nods her head and replies: "I would like that, I trust him to train me, since he was so nice to me at the pool...I did not expect that from a guy like him"

Loki blushes, then smirks and tells her this:
"I would love to train you, Y/n! But know that I won't go too easy on you because we've just met! Also...Wanda, Vision, maybe it's time for you to leave and go make dinner, since Y/n still needs to take a shower and change into some normal clothes"

"Oh yeah, you're right Loki! We'll talk later Y/n" Wanda says and winks at Y/n, then she leaves to the door and stays at the outside of Y/n's room but doesn't leave without Vision.

"Maybe you should go too, mister mischief! I am guessing she would like some privacy while changing" Vision told Loki.

He replied: "That...might be right...but she-
Y/n did not let him finish his sentence and told Vision it was okay: "No! I told him to stay with me in my room for a bit till dinner would be ready. Besides I will take a shower in the bathroom because that is most logical and lock the door and change in there as well...So Vision please go with Wanda and go make dinner"

Loki laughs because he can just teleport himself into the bathroom if he wanted to, and that Y/n didn't know he could.

Vision walks to the door and says these last things before he leaves with Wanda:
"Okay...if you say so, now...we will go and make dinner with the others...We will eat your favourite spaghetti of Wanda's recipe Y/n!"

Y/n jumps and dances around a little because it really was her favourite pasta ever. They eat it like once a week or every two weeks. "Yay! My fav- She tried to say but Loki didn't let her finish.

Loki looks annoyed (again) and says:
"Vision! Just go already...and you...Y/n...get to the bathroom and do what you gotta do! I will be waiting here on your bed"

Vision and Wanda leave and walk to the kitchen. Then Loki quickly closed the bedroom door and locked it.

Loki walks to Y/n and grabs her wrist just before she wanted to get into the bathroom.
"I can teleport in there you know!" He said and comes closer to her, not letting go of her wrist just yet, instead he grabs her other wrist as well, he then pushes her to the wall passionately, but aggressively.

Loki said with his intimidating voice: "So, now we're finally alone again!
Now I...erh...we can do whatever we wanna!"

He smirks and starts to let go of her wrists, but still holds her pushed to the wall with his >hot< body.....He craved her.

"W-what are you doing? Loki?"


Yeah dear readers what is Loki doing to her?

will she crave him back or will she just push him away?

will they be over after this part or will they be an even better couple?

will they have sex or will they not?

read next part to see what will happen ;)

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