It's Been A Long Time...

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~Monday morning~

Y/n wakes up and can not see clear yet. She rubs her eyes, yawns and puts her hand under the pillow. She notices something moving from the corner of her eye. It was Loki moving his hand towards hers and grabs her hand peacefully. "Goodmorning Sweetheart! Did you sleep well? In my room, my bed this time. Hehe"

"Omg you are awake! You scared the fuck out of me! Oh and of Thor as well! So...were you just really tired or did something really happen to you? Your heart rate dropped every night since you sorta died and especially the first night While Bruce and I carried you to your room and layed you in your bed! I still can't believe that happened and that you are awake agai-

He puts his hand before her mouth, doesn't let her finish and says: "Ssshhh, I also don't know what happened, but Ido know that I had a really good dream about you...about us! And then I woke up to you lying next to me! hehe, you were really tired I guess because I noticed you were snoring...and drooling, but that must have been because of your dream. If you had one" he says that because he knows she had a dream and that it was about him waking up in her arms. She kissed him just like in fairy tales at night before she fell asleep.

All that Y/n can do is stare at him in disbelief. Loki notices something is wrong, or just not right. "What's wrong darling? didn't sleep well?"

She gets a bit sad and holds his hand tight, but not to tight. "I have to be honest with him and he has to know what has happened" Comes through her thoughts.

Loki reads her mind not even knowing he does. He has been knocked out for a week including two weekends, that made his powers a little bit unstable. "What do you have to honestly tell me honey?" He asked her.

"! were you...just reading my mind?" She asks him confused. "huh? Didn't you say anything dear?" He was confused as well.

"Okay! I have to tell you this, Love" She says. "tell me what?" He asked. Y/n starts explaining: "The day that we met, I passed out, you caught me-
"Cmmon, I didn't loose my memories! But plz tell me what happened yesterday!?" He sorta asked her.

"Sorry, I didn't know you were gonna be mad after all that's happened"
She says annoyed and disappointed.

Y/n wants to go out of bed, but Loki grabs her arm and then her waist and puts her close to him under the covers. She likes it a little bit bc she missed him so much and starts crying. "Darling, don't cry! just tell me what happened, okay?" He tells her in a calming voice.

"Okay! We went down for dinner after yk what we did, I couldn't walk so you carried me. I will just skip to the part of what happened. We were sitting around the table all of us. We all started talking and drinking and eating as well. When Natasha asked me you were gonna be my new trainer you sorta erh fainted uh uh passed out and then bruce and I carried you into your bed, god! you were...are so light as a feather"

"How long have I been passed out for?" He asks her and still with a cute calming smile on his face. Y/n answers: "Oh...just a week and two weekends" Sarcastically. "Are you okay Y/n? You don't seem fine to me ,my dear. I totally am fine so if you are not fine I hope it is not about me"

"Idk, erm...well thank god you're okay now! But you do haveto know that if you would wake up I had to tell Bruce and Thor! so...Imma go getthem and tell them the happy news!"

Y/n got up and...

The Magical Meeting Of Y/n & LokiWhere stories live. Discover now