More Days In Hell

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She turns on the shower, the running water's warmed up really fast when she gets undressed. She gets in and puts her hands on her head. She gets so many thoughts at that moment: "If he wakes up again, will he be fine? Will he remember me? Us? The others? Will he still be with me?"

She then gets her hands on her stomach feeling a little bit of pain. "Oh, that is right! I am supposed to get my period in 3 to 4 days! I really can't have that though!" She starts crying and sings a random part of a song for a little bit: "Need someone to numb the pain! You're gone and I gotta stay high all the time. To-high all the time. To-high all the time. To keep you off my mind!"

She washes herself with some soap that she found in Loki's bathroom, it smells really much like him and she likes that. She doesn't even bother to use it and then washes it off. She gets out of the shower with a little bit of a depressed face, dries herself with one of the big soft towels he has.

She gets out of the bathroom to dress up. She steps in the room and looks at Loki still not doing anything then laying on his bed. She is trying to think about the fact that he still lives and that he will wake up. She lets out a small laugh and whispers to herself: "It will be alright, he will wake up and he will be fine"

She was dressed up and wore a beautiful cropped long sleeve top with super high waist joggers that fit so tight around her legs and her ass. She knows that Loki would love it if he could see it.

She goes outside, to the terrace and trains her powers that she does know about, even her new power. She made big purple energy balls and threw them to one of the walls of the terrace. She goes on doing that for 15 minutes. "I am starting to get control of this pretty fast!" She says enthusiastly.

Half an hour passes by in the beautiful warm sun. She now sits on the ground to relax and look at the beautiful blue sky. She closes her eyes and sees Loki sticking his hand out to her. She immediately opens her eyes and gets up to go inside.

She lets out a small tear when she sees him still laying there. She is getting sick of it now, but she keeps holding on. She knows he will wake up, she knows it!

She walks over to the empty side of the bed and sits against the hard headboard, but she puts a pillow behind her back. She sit comfortable now. She grabs the remote of the big TV and puts it on and starts a movie. An action movie.

Around an hour later the movie ends and she puts on an other movie. A comedy movie. Around an hour later she hears a knock at the door. She pauses the movie and says: "Come in!" Thor comes in and asks her: "You alright? Lady Y/n" "Yeah I'm fine!" she answered.

"I was just checking on you, also I heard Loki can wake up in just a few days. I am so relieved though. Oh btw I almost forgot, dinner will be ready in like 45 minutes. Natasha will bring it to you! It is your favourite chickensoup! Do you know who came up with the idea? Me! Also I made it since you like that very much!" He tells her enthusiastically.

"Yay! I would really like some soup though, I can use it in this shitty time...It is like hell!" Thor walks in and gets near her. "I know, that is why I made it! I would do anything for you!"

He sits on the bed next to her but not really close to her. "Also for my brother, because I really like to see you happy, to see his sweet side and the idea of him having a heart and actually loving and caring about someone"

"Well thankyou for caring, making me my fave soup and being there for me, I appreciate it Thor!"

He kisses her hand. She didn't expect him to, but yeah he is gentle so she kinda expected it. He stands up to leave again. "I guess dinner will be ready in 35 minutes!" He waves at her and leaves.

These 35 minutes went by pretty fast. Natasha was at the door, she knocked and came in. "Hey girl! You okay? I got you soup, some bread and a warm hug! I will make a special dessert! Do you want some too!"

"Sure! I would love to have some of your great dessert!" Y/n answered really nicely finally looking more like the old, happy Y/n that the Avengers have known for like more then one and a half year.

Natasha hands her the plate with the bowl of soup on it, then leaves. Y/n keeps on watching movies. Only comedies now though. She felt lonely not being able to cuddle up to her cuddle bear Loki. She feels so alone and cries.

A whole week including weekend go by everyday feels the same and it gets harder to still believe and hope. She cries herself asleep every night, but this Sunday night, it was different. She was dizzy, had a really bad headache. "I should get some sleep, I don't feel like crying today though! I don't know why!" She thought.

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