Passed Out

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Bruce stands up hesitantly because they don't like one another. Some bad things happened between them in the past. "Sure" *Eye roll.* "I will do anything I can" He adds with sarcasm in his voice and walks up to them.

Everyone looks at the three of them when She and Bruce carry Loki out of the dining room. They bring Loki to his room and put him down on his bed. "He isn't really heavy allthough he is pretty tall, is that alright?" Y/n asks Bruce.

"You're right he is not very heavy, erm I can run some tests on him to see if his health is okay, if you'd like me to? By the way...may I ask why you care about mister mischief this much?" Bruce asked her.

"Please do! I need to know! W-what? I just care about him as friends...he is my new trainer though, also we have some things in common, I always got...erm...get called...uh... never mind" Y/n tried to answer.

Bruce knows it is more then just friends though. "Listen! you know you can tell me everything...and I mean anything!...Right? We've always had a special bond thingy something since you came here, so if there is anything you want to talk about it with me, you know I support you, no matter what Y/n!"

"Yeah you're right, we do have a special, father/daughter bond thingy even though I know you are not one of my parents, I mean you could be though, I still don't know who they are" Y/n replied.

Loki was still laying there and they both looked at him from a distance. He is still not waking up yet. They move closer to his bed and Y/n goes to sit right next to Loki as she starts to wonder if the others knew abt their secret.

In Y/n's mind: "Do they know? Do I have to tell them? They do know my taste in guys, well Natasha and Wanda know it... If they know...will they tell the others? Noooo! they wouldn't do that! they are not like that! I think so at least...Does Bruce know? Do I have to tell him? I mean he is kinda like some kind of father figure to me though...Ugh...I wish this would have just happened to me instead of him"

"He looks so peaceful laying there." Y/n tries to comfort herself with the idea that her 'new lover' just passed and even worse...could die. She doesn't want to think of that and Bruce knows that she does. Bruce tries to comfort her. "Y/n...Maybe he is just really tired...So in case he wakes up, one of us has got to st-

Without letting him finish Y/n says: "I'll stay with him! Look! Bruce...I gotta be honest with you, because you are like a father figure to me... Loki and I are a thing...since today"

Bruce is in shock, but he wanted to let her know he still supports her. No matter what.
" will stay with him! And I am happy you trust me to tell me that...Am I the first one who knows?" he asked her "You might not be the first one to know, I think Wanda knows as well" She tells him.

Loki's heart rate started to drop at that moment. Y/n screamed: "Nooo! Please?! then leans over his head to check if he was still breathing as she grabbed his hand then she starts to wonder if he's ever going to be alright.

Bruce said: "Stay here with him! Don't go anywhere! I'll go get some stuff to yk...try to keep him alive!" And he runs away, to the lab. "He is my...ugh...yk...boyfriend...I guess, Why would you think I would leave him here...all alone...when he could die?!" She shouted after him when he already ran away.

Loki's heartrate rose again, but  it dropped again when Bruce came in.
Bruce ran over to the side where he lied, puts a needle through his arm, but Y/n looked away at the moment he did, because she faints when she sees needles go into another person's skin.

"Bruce! He is not just sleeping! He is not even breathing anymore! He is dying! Do something! Please?! Please?! Please?! Don't let him die!" She was now sobbing.

Thor heard and came in. He saw her sitting on Loki's bed right next to him, sobbing. He came closer to her and put his arm over her shoulder. "Hey!...Hey! Lady Y/n! I know my brother will be fine...He sorta did many dumb shit before...besides he never really dies...I guess"

"It is not dumb shit! Thor! He hasn't done anything! Well idk about those things you were talking about, but this time he really did nothing! He was just eating you were right there!" She shouted right in his face. Oh and it felt great to her. She had to let it out.

Y/n and Thor were now both crying, sitting on the floor next to Loki's bed.

Loki did nothing, only his heart rate got controled by some kind of machine, just until he could control it again himself.

"I will leave you guys alone for a few minutes, so you can talk about whatever you want to. I will be back soon! Imma get some more things to help him! Otherwise it won't end right!"

Thor gets even closer to her and hugs her really tight, she likes it but not too much though. She knows that if Loki would know she hugged his brother so tightly, he would get jealous.

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