[16] Apologies And Uncertainty

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Proper healing chapter since we are not just going to look over what happened. Not much action, but we get some important moments in here! Think of it as a small break from the last few chapters :)

ALSO - NightBax13 has done it again! Since last chapter they have created some *Amazing* artwork that you all should check out! Thanks NightBax13 for the amazing artwork! ❤

I say this at the end as well but idk if people read all my author's notes so...

READ --> Rift Apart reference here, can you spot it? Just make sure to write *spoiler*in the beginning your comment if you do decide to! (So those that haven't watched or read it by now can avoid it!) It changes up the timeline a bit, since Rift Apart didn't happen yet in this story.

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰


Surprisingly, after a good 2 days spent healing in the Medcenter, Ratchet could go back home.

It was surprising, to say the least. Here he was on the brink of collapse just a few days ago and suddenly he was fine. Like nothing ever happened in the first place. It was unbelievable, even to Doctor Yuin. As he spoke to Kaden that, after the whole ordeal, he explained that whatever was in Ratchet's system was completely gone, it was....a miracle, to say the least.

It was also suspicious...

Ratchet seemed to look over the whole situation, and claimed that he didn't remember what happened before he arrived at the Medcenter. It seemed like he didn't care about what happened at all, and just started rolling with it.

Kaden and Phoebe did not like this.

Ratchet was usually so easygoing and open with his emotions. He fought for what he believed in and defended his actions and feelings to no end. While he was evidently reckless, it didn't mean that it was okay to easily accept what happened and just go along with it. Something was wrong. Something went wrong. And nobody knew what. Not even Ratchet himself.

It was a difficult situation to handle, and while Kaden and Phoebe wanted to talk about it, they figured that Ratchet was dealing with it in his own way.

Fact is, they were right...

The morning they got back home, Kaden and Phoebe were prepared to let Ratchet heal from the past day's events. But, instead of laying down and properly doing so, Ratchet presented them with a question.

"Can I...go over to pick something up at Oliver's place? I just remembered that I forgot something."

Kaden and Phoebe looked at each other, having a silent conversation that only they seemed to understand. Ratchet stood there patiently, awaiting an answer,

"If you really want to.." Phoebe hesitantly said, "But...shouldn't you be resting? It's not good to push your body.". Ratchet just smiled reassuringly, "I'll be fine! I promise if I don't feel well I will tell Oliver to call you when I get there! Promise."

They still looked hesitant, but they nodded anyway. They watched as Ratchet turned around once again and put on his boots, waving goodbye before shutting the door quickly.

"He doesn't even have a phone on him." Kaden muttered, "He's acting strange.". Phoebe just shook her head, "He's just coping with what happened, Kaden. There is no need to worry."

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