[18] For Now

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Sorry for the delay everyone, life caught up to me. Hopefully this chapter is...okay at least :)

ALSO - I decided to put Nova and Clank's POV into one this time. Previously I said I would do just Nova but I needed to do this for length and timing reasons, so this is about ~400 words less than the usual 6000 - 6500 words a chapter usually is! I don't want things to seem too dragged out! :)


⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰


These past 3 weeks have been...odd.

XR, or Nova now, did not know how to feel about all this...change. They went from trying to desperately escape their creator to working for the rebellion that was against an alternate version of their creator...

Yeah, it was a very confusing situation....

Even so, they had to work with what they got. Their current objective was to get off this cursed planet and go from there. Working for these rebels proved to be a challenge too, since most of them hated robots and Lombaxes too.

Apparently, the Lombaxes had a record of not getting involved in pointless affairs. From what they learned, the Lombaxes have not really tried to save what used to be Metropolis now. While they did form an alliance with other forces, the people here were left for dead.

It was sad. Really, really sad.

But Nova knew that these humans were the key to freedom. If they helped these humans obtain their freedom, they would be able to get out of this mess.

Until then, they would just have to deal with it.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here..." One of the scouts sneered as they passed the main room. They have been getting this treatment a lot lately. Ever since Nolen decided to bring them to the main hideout, they have been treated like...garbage.

Nova sighed, just ignoring the jabs. It's not like they could get hurt anyways, Hell, if they really wanted to, they could squash these humans like a tin can. But no, they had to lay low for the time being.

Because if they all found out that Nova was a robot? All hell would break loose.

They made it to the end of the hall, looking over to see Nolen leaning against the wall. He smirked at them, "Well, I almost thought you got carried off or something. It took you a while to get here." he smirked. Nova just rolled their eyes, "Really? If I'm correct I could say that I am actually early this time."

The man just chuckled and shook his head, "Yeah, this is the first time you didn't get lost." he teased. Nova just frowned, looking past the man to see the exit. Nolen sighed, "Okay so, today you and I are going to go to the scrapyard and see if there is anything we can use for our weapons." Nova nodded at this, following the man to the exit. "If anything happens, we regroup here." Nova nodded, tightening their grip on the scuffed-up backpack they were lent.

It was going to be a long day...They could already tell...

They both exited the hideout, and Nova immediately scrunched up their nose. The smell of rotting trash and spilled oil flooded their nasal receptors. In all honesty, they should be used to these smells by now. The cleaning bots never seemed to do their jobs, but it's not like anyone was complaining about it.

Nova followed Nolen through the alleyways quietly, getting quite annoyed with the way the man was dragging them over to walls to hide whenever there was a little out-of-place noise. They didn't complain when they saw the man's serious face as he looked out for danger.

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