[41] Supernova

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Whew...sorry for the delay everyone! Things got in the way but I'm glad to be back!


⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰


He stared down at his phone silently, waiting for a response.

It's been 2 days.

He didn't even know if it went through, and if it did, why wasn't he getting a response? He also knows that everyone else sent a message back but...there was nothing. Just silence.

Was something wrong!? Was Clank hurt!? Ratchet!? Was The Resistance defeated!?

"Kaden...please calm down. It's 2 in the morning..." Phoebe grumbled beside him, "Turn off the damn light."

"I can't help it, Pho!" he exclaimed, "Between preparing for the war and worrying about Ratchet and Clank...I can't stop thinking about it!"

"Well, losing sleep won't do you any good." Phoebe said softly, sitting up and placing a hand on his shoulder, "Please rest. Tomorrow you have to help Mags find a suitable dimension, right? You need your strength."

Kaden sighed, turning his phone off as her words finally sunk in, "You're right...as always." he said, "Mags will probably want to get going around-"

"Sleep, Kaden." Phoebe commanded, "Please?"

Kaden shook his head in exasperation, leaning over to turn the lamp off. He doubts he would get any rest at all, but he could at least try.


He couldn't get rid of this odd feeling he had....


Whatever. Tomorrow they had to continue preparing for the war. There was no time for hesitation or anything. He has to be prepared. They all have to.


Before the war really starts...

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰


"You despicable rat!"

The robot looked up at the man in fright, but didn't move from their spot. The Creator told them to stay in. The Creator made it very clear to Tachyon not to touch them, after all. He said that they were...needed for something.

So Nova stood diligently with their tail between their legs. They took the insults without saying anything back, not wanting to anger the Cragmite more.

These past few days have been hell with the man. Constant threats and everything else...it was hard to get through, but it's not like they could fight back...

"Emperor, need I remind you of our agreement."

The Cragmite looked towards his powerful ally, smirking devilishly, "I can't help it. This...thing reminds me of the worst rat of all. That damned Keeper of the Dimensionator." he seethed, "I killed his wretched spawn years ago!"

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