[25] Courage

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I've been having a rough time lately...hopefully this chapter isn't too bad and it meets your expectations. It didn't really meet mine, but I tried my hardest to finish this.

This chapter consists of Nova's POV with a *bit* of Clank sprinkled in, but not much. Ratchet is in next chapter because I got too carried away.

Anyways, enjoy!

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰



Clank grunted, sitting up straight in the pilot seat as he looked at what was going on. The loud beeping from the communication pad must have woken him up. He quickly turned around,

Good thing Ashby was a heavy sleeper...

Without a second thought, he answered the transmission, rubbing at his unfocused optics,

Static.."State...Unautho-" more static.. "-ship"

Clank paused, trying to decipher the message as best as he could, furrowing his brows as more static came through. Perhaps there was someone that needed help? But it sounded like they were trying to say-

*Message incoming* The intercom stated, making Clank pause and wait for the message. His back stiffened as a voice (similar to his, in a way...) spoke over the line, voice dark and monotonous, "Unauthorized ship. State your purpose or my ship will not hesitate to eradicate you." Clank startled, hand going to grip the steering wheel, "Unless, you wish to cooperate and I can kill you face to face. State your business."

"What!?" Clank responded, "Why would you-"

"There are no ships allowed in this vicinity. I wonder how your ship was able to launch off my planet at all." the voice chuckled, "Simply allow us to take you in and there will be no further issue."

Clank raised a brow, "But you just said you wanted to kill me face to face. Or blow up my ship..."

The person at the other end of the line was silent for a minute. Clank was about to cut off the communications, but then the voice started up again,

"Well, I admit. That would be enjoyable for me. But you know what intrigues me?" They quipped, "How you, a worthless being, was able to get past my barricades and send a transmission to my planet. Which, for your information, is against my law."

Clank's fingers tightened on the wheel, flicking some switches, preparing to go into hyperdrive and get out of here. He covered the mic, muting his side of the transmission, turning his head to the back,

"Ashby! Wake up!" he saw the boy stir, "Get into the pilot's seat. Now. And buckle up.

He heard the kid get up groggily, thinking nothing of it as he lazily walked towards the seat and started securing himself slowly. Clank uncovered the mic,

"My transmission?"

The voice on the other side of the line practically growled in frustration, voice becoming threatening as they addressed him, "YES! Your transmission. Do not act clueless. I will have you know that I know everything that goes on and off the planet. You are lucky that my ship didn't shoot you down first."

"You are lucky that I want you alive."

Clank stayed silent, making sure that Ashby was buckled up. And at this point, the boy was looking up at him in fear. He whispered out, "W-What's happening, Clank?"

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