[22] Out Of Place -Part I-

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----> I really tried to get all three perspectives in this for you all, but it got too long and I had to cut it off. So Ratchet's portion is in Part II.


⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰


"Ashby, please get off that crate."

Clank carried a heavy box in his hand to another cargo ship. He had no choice but to do some odd jobs and tasks to earn a few bolts. This trading hub was the perfect opportunity to do things quickly and efficiently.

If the little boy would cooperate.

It was hard to communicate with a child that barely spoke most of the time. Clank didn't know if it was trauma from what Ashby saw, or if he was still wary of Clank himself, but it was quite difficult to get a point across.

...And, being a curious soul, the child got into anything and everything.

Thankfully, the boy decided to listen this time and started following him from behind. Clank sighed in exasperation, Reminding himself that he had to get the kid food soon.

Nonetheless, he arrived at his destination and set the crate down. The pilot thanked him gratefully and gave him his small pay. He nodded back at the man in thanks, He turned to look where the boy was, mentally groaning at the fact that he found another crate to climb on. The pilot looked at the boy fondly, "Is that your kid?" he asked, chuckling as Clank sighed, "No. He is not." he grimaced, "I am just looking out for him."

"I see..." the man mumbled, "Unfortunately, we get a lot of people like that around here with no place to go."

"Yeah...I see that.." he replied. And it was true. The number of people that he saw sitting against buildings or laying on the sidewalks was saddening.

"I believe I might try and find him a place to stay while I am gone. Do you know a place where he could go?"

The man hummed, tapping his chin in thought. "Tell you what, I'll talk with my co-pilot and see if we need an extra hand in cargo. The boy can stay with us, and you may go when you please." He offered, "However, where are you exactly going that makes you leave a kid behind?" The man asked. He didn't sound judgmental, just curious.

"I...I do not know." Clank replied honestly, "All I know is that wherever I go, it will be dangerous."

The pilot nodded, "I see. Well, come back later and I'll tell you if we can take the kid off your hands."

Clank nodded, turning away from the man and beckoning the boy over, "Are you hungry, Ashby?" the boy nodded, "Let's go get you something to eat then."

The boy nodded, clutching his plush bear close as he grabbed Clank's hand awkwardly and looked up at him. He seemed somewhat...afraid? Clank didn't really know at this point. He sighed heavily, before pulling the boy along.

He weaved through the crowd, heading towards the main trading hub, bumping shoulders with some people who stared at him...awkwardly?

He didn't pay attention. He needed to do what he had to to get more information on this war and where the Lombaxes were located.

He also had to find a place for Ashby. His mission was going to be dangerous. He didn't need an innocent child getting caught in the crossfire, after all.

He felt a small tug on his hand after they came out of the crowd. He looked down at the child questioningly, "Yes? Ashby?". The boy looked up at him, "Those people over there look like you!" He whispered out, pointing towards one of the more secluded sections of the hub. Ashby was right,

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