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Four years after the sixth of lore,

 Elizabeth guarded the magical archway to Raewyn, one of the many duties the kingdom of gave the water sorceress. She touched the water stream within the archway. The freezing water chilled her hand, numbing her fingertips. The temperature never changing, as the glittering golden-green jewel of water magic rippled and moved underneath her touch.

She pulled her hand away, seeing the brilliant glittering stream darken for a few moments. An unseen figure passed through her. Their powerful and ancient magic slithered inside her body, shooting waves of electricity towards her heart. She fell to her knees, paralysed. Blood trickled down from her nose, staining the stone steps. She clutched her chest tightly, unable to inhale enough air, her lungs being squeezed by the rapid energy flowing out of her. She pushed her jolting limbs to rise, inhaling calming breaths, the sensation easing, the connection snapping.

Whatever realms existed beyond the archway weren't for mortals to know. Only the unseen beings could gain the knowledge, for it reduced the ones who were foolish enough to enter the enticing portal to bloody ashes in seconds.
Past victims and foolish adventures stained the archway, trying to force open the passage to what lay beyond. Many came seeking fame and fortune only to stain the shimmering silver with their blood and their bones, swallowed by the enchanted dryad forest.

She sighed, seeing the orange hues of the sun disappear among the trees. Heading down the forest pathway, the dragons who ruled the skies of Aerilon awoke in the twilight hours.

The sound of fluttering feathers directed Elizabeth's attention towards the trees, her sapphire eyes scanning the hundreds of ravens perched on the branches of the evergreen pine trees. Their eyes watched, studying the water sorceress. Their shrill calls filled the peaceful silence of the forest, their screeches and sounds overlapping the other. Elizabeth covered her hands, trying to block out the repeated phrase.
' Death comes by dragon's teeth and claws.'

Bird's chipping returned, the ones phantom ravens vanished. She searched the trees until no trace remained of the underworld massagers.
' What on earth?, the ravens are behaving oddly.' The colour drained from her face. Hearing the phrase over and over, knowing the ravens, served as messengers of the goddess of death. She passed by the black alter, which sat in a clearing, the earth bare where nothing grew, the black pillar carried the aura of death. The offering of red wine and granite gemstones sat there, the wine knocked over, spilling over the alter, staining the ground red. However, raven feathers moved in the breeze, carrying the scent of blood.

'Is someone injured?' She asked.

They disturbed the pathway leading towards the enchanted lake. Branches lay bent and broken, the bark slashed with a sharp weapon, leaving irreparable gashes and ash among the trees. Blood mixed in with the destruction. She followed the trail, noticing massive pools of it near the shore of the enchanted lake.

The local dyad approached, leading towards the wounded man. Willowmina gently turned him onto his back, large deep gashes scarred against the runes etched in his skin

She undid her satchel containing her healing herbs. She began crushing the leaves, releasing their aromatic scents. Willowmina gave her a goblet of enchanted lake water. She applied the leaves, stirring until the water changed to a putrid green colour. His wounds bled out, leaving a pool underneath him. frowned, her eyes filling with concern. No animal caused these wounds. The man's shallow breathing worsened.
'Willowmina, cradle his head, please.'
She gently poured the liquid down his throat. He groaned with each mouthful. The sweat clung to his exposed skin, but his moans quieted down. The two women gently laid him down on a bed of moss.

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