Chapter Ten Showdown

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'He caught her. She panicked, unable to speak. A shuttering exhale escaped her lips. Droplets of blood tricked down from her head, bathing the cobblestones red. She struggles hysterically, trying to release herself from the blood chains binding her, to no avail. The chains tightened around her wrists, biting into Luna's flesh, zapping her strength, her limbs become heavier, her struggling ceases. As an icy blast freezes her blood, Luna becomes immobilised.

Racheal stares in disbelief. Luna remained still when her knees bleed, her electric gaze unblinking. Racheal clutches the hilt of her sword, slashing the chains, her sword chips on impact.
'What are these chains made of? Come on brake.! Luna snap out of it fight.' She rose the sword above her head bringing the blade down on the chains, pieces of the blade scattered around them. Death smirks. 'Those chains are indestructible; no normal magic or weapon can destroy them.' Death explained.
'Racheal, don't.' Luna warned. Racheal has taken the sword from Luna's back. She rushed forward, glaring at death with malice. She rushes at him head on. David rose his head, throwing her into Shane with a simple flick of wrist, his aura pinning them in place.

Luna sighed. She laid her hands on the ground, bowing before her former master. She shut her eyes, tuning out Racheal's yelling, listening to her own erratic heartbeat. Water flowed beneath them, it trickled in from somewhere within the dome.

Luna recalled the sounds of enraged dragons slashing the domes walls to escape. A shiver of hopelessness washes over her. When death approaches her, warm water tickles her palm.
' Hello, traitor, how does it feel? To betray your own family? Me and even Cole, the boy, placed his faith in you. He trusted you. And how do you replay him? By breaking my rules, killing a reaper and outright lying to me, when his blood stained your clothes'

'Cole treated you as an equal Luna, and I accepted his suggestion to nominate you as a candidate for my apprentice.'
An intense rage welled up inside her, burning with heat. Every time David mentioned Cole, he blamed her, because he could never figure out the truth for himself. Her body pulsed with raw, untamed power. Her body twitched, the fiery anger returning warmth to her frozen bones.
'Blah, blah, blah. This man never shuts up. Are you going to continue allowing the drainage man to call you a murderer, Luna? Morgine asked.

David summoned his scythe, swinging the blade to server her head. Luna reaches up, blocking the blade. 'No, I never killed Cole, but I'll fucking find who did.' Cole's scythe stopped death's mid swing. She absorbed the liquid inside the blood chains smashing free, the remaining water swirled around her, entering Cole's scythe.
David stared, frozen. But how... Can you wield Cole's weapon? David stuttered.
'Is this proof enough for you?' She tapped the scythe on the ground, the flowing water, turned to ice beneath her boots. She touched her palm to her head. 'Heal, thee.' The bleeding stopped.
She slashes the blade upwards. Ice shards rained down from above. Death smashes them, having no regard for the enchanted people witnessing their battle as rogue ice shards impale their controlled bodies.
The bodies failing to the ground in a pool of their own blood snapped the people nearby out of David's mystical trance. Some screamed, while others sought weapons. fighting burst out against the crowds as they blamed one enough for the fatal death.
David embraced the chaos. As they spilled innocent blood on the streets. No man nor women noticed the two reapers quailing in front of them.
Luna watched death gathering the blood, strengthening his own scythe. She steadies herself for the next attack, rising a solid wall of ice to protect herself. 'I'm no match for him, going on the defensive. I need to outsmart him.'

She braces herself against the icy wall, hearing the entranced human bombarding the wall. While death threw spears of blood to pierce the ice, melting the barrier upon touching the surface. His minions reached out, trying to grab her. Luna jumped on top of the wall. Forming an ice lance, she slides down, leaping off the end, sending the icy lance towards David.
It lands on the intended target as intended. Luna taps the scythe in the water, sending clamming ripples towards the entranced people freeing them. They lower their weapons and leave the market.

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