Chapter Twenty-six The trial of the unknown

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Luna thrusted around in her sleep, regaining consciousness. Her skin burned, causing serve pain. She screamed with an ear-piercing sound, shouting about the fames destroying her skin. Matthew comforted her, insisting they escaped. The goddess hummed a soothing tone, paying no attention to her champion's outburst, while applying a herbal remedy she made herself.
While the guardian waited inside the dome, Luna awoke startled, frankly searching for an unseen danger. She sighed. The herbal paste soothed the burns. She embraced Matthew tightly, afraid if she released him, he would become a lifeless corpse again. Surprised by her gesture, he embraced her carefully.

"You're alive? I'm not dreaming?" Luna asked. Matthew shared a puzzled glance with the goddess, who shared his concern.

"No, I'm alive Luna. I opened the portal before we escaped. I wrapped the Leacher safe against my back." Matt urged.

"David hasn't killed Racheal or Shane, there alive. I've been chatting with them during your nap," Matthew assured her.

"Luna, you experienced a future where David achieved his goal. Nothing more than whatever you witnessed was death succeeding." The Morgine said.
"The last test is a future without death, heed my words, take lessons from the evens. They have harmed no one, I promise you, the guardian will lead you." The goodness said.

Luna stood, relaxing her nerves with ease. She scratched at the constant stinging, the being waited, congratulating Luna. The guardian turned on his armoured heel, leading them through the decaying realm. Objects floated in midair, through the maze of crumbling staircases. because of the destruction of some staircases, certain

areas were accessible.

They stood in front of a pitch-black abyss door, its immense size gaping wide like an endless void. The darkness emanating from within sent shivers down Luna's spine. Matthew walked confidently inside, disappearing into the unknown. Luna summoned her scythe, its blade glowing with an eerie light, illuminating the void. The ground felt solid under her boots, but she couldn't shake off the feeling of unease.

"Matt, where are you?" Luna yelled, her voice echoing in the silence. The sound bounced off the walls, creating an eerie effect. Suddenly, the ground shifted, creating waves that were laced with shimmering golden flecks. Luna's eyes widened in surprise as she looked around, trying to locate Matthew.

"How far ahead did Matthew go?" she questioned, her voice trembling slightly. As she spoke, a deep rumbling sound filled her ears, making her heart race. Suddenly, a river of golden sand flooded her legs, and Luna struggled to keep her balance as the current swept away her.

The whirlpool of sand flowed down a gigantic hole, and Luna entered it, failing to land on solid ground. Instead, she found herself buried in sand, staring upwards at the black sky where the eternal night would be. Luna sat up, spitting out the sand, feeling the gritty texture on her tongue. She could smell the musty scent of the sand, and it made her feel claustrophobic.

The howling winds shifted the endless sand. Normally she would hear the shrill cries of ravens, or the flapping of their wings. Luna sensed something was wrong. Matthew was nowhere in sight. She stood, the sand irritated by the burns lingering on her bare arms and legs. She hissed, sending out across the sea of sands. Frightened for Matthew's wellbeing.

A storm of feathers floated down from above her. She didn't see them, nor did she encounter another reaper. Where was everyone? She thought.
Comforting heat emitted from a group of buildings. Matthew's magical essence grew stronger. Luna entered the courtyard gasping at the crumbling and exploded ruins. of the once proud cathedral. Stones and stained glass scattered everywhere, drops of emerald coloured blood stained the sandstone.

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