Chapter Three Soul hunt

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Cole stood, bewildered.
'Something Luna needed to do? What could it possibly be? Her training hadn't even begun yet.'
Cole's stomach twisted in knots. But without hesitation, he trailed Luna, concerned about her odd behaviour. He kept a fair distance away, keeping the young reaper in his line of sight.

Thunderous black clouds gathered in the distance, covering the lake, leaving the rest of the sky vibrant with hues of purples and indigos. Luna approached the shore. Cole kept his distance, being far enough to remain in the shadows of the trees, but close enough to overhear their conversation.
He stared in disbelief at who Luna was meeting. There in the water stood the queen of phantoms, humming a Celtic lullaby between her lips, the music haunting but oddly claiming.

Her raven hair blew in the invisible winds. She greeted the eels living in the crystal-clear waters. Letting their smooth skin coil around her mocha skin. Luna entered without fear, bowing before their goddess. A sign of devotion and trust. Cole inched closer.
'You summoned me, queen of phantoms?' Luna questioned.
'Indeed, my champion, what I foresaw troubles me.' Her lips formed into a thin line. The goddess scanned the area, turning in a complete circle, sensing they weren't alone.

She shook her head. 'The traitor will reveal themselves soon, news of this unknown assassin. Concerns me, it means possibly multiple people are involved, they will attempt to end death's life, remain close to him Luna.' Morgine commanded.
'I will try, but how do I gain death's trust?'
Morgine smiled. 'David is searching for a new apprentice correct, show him you're worthy. I'll give you an advantage.'
At the goddess's degree, the slivery eels slid up Luna's legs. She froze, inhaling slowly as to not provoke the dangerous creatures, covering and sliding across her body. Their bodies flowed with a visible electrical current, zapping her scythe with a boost of power as they silently slid back into the lake before returning to its depths.

Morgine laughed, a sweet chilling sound, which sent a shiver down both Cole's and Luna's spines. 'Your instincts guide you. Grave, my trusted wolf, will guide and alert you for the trails ahead, prevent David from being killed at all costs.'

Cole licked his dry lips, replaying the conversation in his mind. 'Luna took direct commands from the goddess, a secret champion. No one except him knew about. A powerful aid.' Cole thought.
He mused over the suspects coming to one conclusion: slipping into the forest unseen, he ignored the bugs crawling along his boots, hearing the ravens consume the enchanted fruit. Muddy footprints littered the forest floor, fresh and clearly visible against the crumbled leaves.
His nostrils flared at the scent of Regina's foul perfume. She passed by here. He heard sounds of fighting Regina summoned vines ensuring Cole, his body pinned against an oak trunk. He gritted his teeth, thorns embedded in his side. Regina turned, sighing, annoyed at Cole's presence. She crossed her arms, lightly tapping her scythe against her hip.
"What brings you out here, Cole?" Her snarl laced within her voice. She dug the thorns in deeper, scratching his pale skin. Blood dripped from the open wound.

Cole struggled against the plant restraints, freeing a hand. Summoning his scythe, he drew the moisture out of the plants, breaking free of the now shrivelled husks.

She smirked, impressed; she spat on his boots, giving him a look of utter disgust. 'Like death, you kill and destroy when angered.'
Cole's breath hitched. Ignoring the impulse to shove his scythe blade through her stony heart, the act wouldn't cease her existence, only spill unnecessary blood.
'Be pissed off at my father if you wish, but wounding me to get back at him is foolish. Unlike him, I care about you, Regina. So, I want answers. Are you one person wanting to erase death?' Cole asked.
Regina circled Cole, her pale green dress flowing along the forest floor, her emerald eyes burning with malice.
' Excuse me? I may disagree with David's actions, but I would never wish him death. And where is the prove to back these accusations, you have none Cole, we fought, and I vowed revenge, but I'm not dumb enough to make an attempt on his life.'
So, you 're denying any involvement?' Cole asked.
Regina nodded. She turned on her heel, stomping away from Cole, crafting a wall of vines separating them.

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