Chapter Thirteen The Ambush

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The smell of smoke invaded Logan's unconscious mind. Warmth chased away the chilling. Breeze from his damp clothing. Soaking the glass beneath him, the sound of crackling wood. Filled his ears. The warm glow made shadows dance underneath his eyelids. He strained. Against the pain moving through his limbs. He groaned in discomfort.

'Shhh, try to remain still, ' A clamming voice soothed his frantic thoughts. There gentle hand.

Touched by the wet wound in his abdomen. Did the water cleanse his wound, or was he?

bleeding? The person worked, busying their hands. With removing the damp clothing, blocking them.

Access, they left out a frustrated hiss. They gently brought Logan into a sitting position.

Removing his shirt. They laid him back down.

He listened for anything familiar, telling him who his savour was. But nothing clicked. Then.

calm voice held gentleness, but the hands were large and rough.

'Alright, I'm going to cauterise the wound, try not to move. ' They pressed white hot steel to

The bleeding wound. Despite Logan's best efforts, he screamed out in pain before the man.

With the steel was removed. The wound throbbed, a dull ache, but it no longer bled. Then.

Wound stung. They poured a liquid smelling of strong alcohol into the area. 'Shit.' he

muttered through clenched teeth.

The man placed a bandage around the wound. Logan relaxed. 'You were lucky few people

Took on a dragon and live. The wound isn't infected, thankfully, '

Logan forced himself to open his eyes. He couldn't help but stare. Fiery coloured eyes stared.

back at him. He noticed several sharp weapons on the man's body. He sat up slowly, ignoring

the whispers and the abyss queen's hypnotic voice, return to his head. He gripped the sides.

The stranger rose an eyebrow, assessing if the man before him was sane.

'Are you alright? Is your head injured? ' He removed the boiling kettle off the hook above the

Fire. He poured a green liquid into a wooden cup, offering it to Logan.

'Drink.' The man said.

Logan warmed himself by the flames. He smelled the mixture; the smell of medicinal herbs

And hints of mint filled his nose. His saviour chuckled. 'It's not poisoned, ' he drank the mint

Flavoured the tea. He coughed. Once he got control of the coughing fit, he finished the tea, letting.

The liquid coat his throat. So, who do I have to thank for saving my life? Logan asked.

'Red scar. '

'What brought you here? ' Logan asked, while red scar poured him another helping of mint

Tea. 'I came to seek the dryad maidens, for my lord, however, they disappeared. Red scar said.

puzzled while finishing his own steaming cup of tea.

'You missed them. They left and will return in the spring. '

'I see, my lord won't be pleased. If you're well enough, I'll take my leave. Places to see, me.

Lord, to advise about the changes.' He stood, grabbing the cooling kettle. He retrieved them.

thick fur cloak off a nearby branch.

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