Chapter thirty-two Becoming Death

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Luna gave Racheal a grin, grateful for the adventures they shared. She inhaled a clamming breath, stealing her nerves before she faced her former master; she trembled at the thought of her lightning not returning, but slapped some sense into herself., she wished she didn't have to cause David more pain, but he needed to know the truth. The gates opened, cheers and shouting of encouragement erupted from the stands. Matthew stood watching intensely. An emotionless death entered the ruined battlefield.

Luna straightened her back, approaching the older man, ignoring the aura that tried to weight her down. "Your tricks won't work on me," she muttered. Luna hoped gulping the dry air made her tongue feel like sand.
"I know, we never saw things the same, but forgot everything that has happened death." She avoided the blood tendril, lashing out at her. His expression remained; she couldn't read what he was thinking.
"I understand pain. I can't imagine the grief consuming you, but open your ears to hear the truth. David's nostrils flared, throwing a glass container into Luna's face. She coughed, inhaling the sickly scent, but she refused to summon her scythe, to stay unarmed, which only increased death's annoyance.
"Stop talking and fight, give me a worthy fight, so I can send you to the afterlife with dignity." Death proclaimed.
Luna shook her head refusing, The goddess watched, with Matthew, she placed a hand on his shoulder shaking her head.

"My champion has a plan, hopefully." Morgine said.

"I won't I never killed Cole, but a reaper killed him, someone who descended into madness. Amanda made a deal with the abyss queen. She killed Cole to prove her loyalty. She worshipped the queen, she betrayed the goddess and fooled everyone and fooled us, turning us against each other." Luna explained.

She waited for David to respond; he clutched his scythe. The weapon shaking in his hand; he screamed in anguish, frightening the crowd. His eyes turned a dark chocolate brown, his body quivered with fury as the information seeped into his brain.
He turned his attention solely on Luna, shit she thought. Crimson blood leaked from his scythe, changing the battlefield beneath them into the flowing liquid. Her boots stuck to his unfamiliar terrain.

His chocolate brown eyes turned dark, almost a dirty blazing red. He screamed in anguish, lashing out at Luna with an army of blood tendrils threating to ensure her. She dodged the incoming streams of blood, evading was tricky with the battlefield soaked in wet blood, she slipped finding a moment of safety on higher ground.
Blood spikes peeled out of the walls, trying to impale luna, who got cut by their sharp edges. Death smiled, a dangerous and sinister glaze. He unleased waves of blood, destroying her haven.

She fell hitting the blood water, doing nothing to soften her fail, she gasped rolling over, reminded of the intense pain, her old wounds had opened up seeping out blood, her head ached, David bombarded her with exploding blood spheres throwing her around like a rag doll,
She questioned how she was still alive. Her heart pounded, echoing in her ears.

Luna coughed, wanting to crawl away. "I'm no match for him," she thought.

Tendrils locked onto her limbs. Unable to move, she heard horrified gasps from the ground as it slammed Luna against the ground, knocking the wind out of her.
"Someone should do something, Matthew hissed, as he watched as death mercilessly launched attacks after attack, before rising Luna into the air,
Taunting her. "Even now, you refuse to fight back?" he yelled, venom leeched out of his words. It brought the crowd who protested before to silence,

"This is madness, pure madness." Matthew protested. He grabbed the edge, breaking the stone. Macha grabbed his arm firmly. "I agree, but there's nothing we can do without defying the rules." Macha responded with a frown. Matthew, emerald eyes widen the goddess gripped the stone, wanting to jump down and intervene.
Matt claimed his anger, refusing to watch the senseless carnage. "Don' t look away, lord Drake." The goddess's voice filled with reassurance. "Just watch." She ordered.

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