Chapter Thirty Hide and seek

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Luna awoke from her brief nap. Startled, Layla sat beside her, resting her head on Luna's shoulder. The older reaper seemed silent, observing the others of their kind joining the tournament. Luna's gaze followed. Seeing a few familiar faces, the smell of sulphur and molten rock made her nostrils flare. Only one reaper owned the scythe that emanated that hideous smell, reminding them of molten lava.

Logan joined them. Helping himself to hot steaming tea, "The healers really know their stuff, I fill amazing." Logan chuckled.
"They gave him a powerful sedative to calm his whinnying ass down," Layla remarked. She smiled, relieved, laughing at Logan's joyful but high antics.
"Since we have time to discuss things, Layla analysed the blood sample. Found at the crime scene, and narrowed the suspects down to two, a man who vanished two months ago and Amanda," Logan said.

The two older reapers watched Luna's controlled expression. She folded her arms. "Amanda has the power. We know she isn't worried about killing people. She becomes obsessed with thing; something pushed her over the edge. Amanda killed Cole, didn't she?"
"Yes, we confronted her, but she escaped." Layla said.
"She entered the tournament of lore, and is part of David's team,"
"Thank you. You've solved a mystery and made the former soul bane proud." Luna said.
Other teams have sighted the abyss queen wandering around the island. Amanda has made a deal with the immortal queen for shocking and terrifying powers." Logan warned.

She got up, her emotions mixed, she checked on Racheal. Her fists clenched in anger. She inhaled slowly and exhaled, trying to calm her mind. Amanda befriended Cole and herself. The cheerful mask, the caring teaching personality, fooled them. Racheal sat in the bed, placing her amour back on.
"Alright, you're urging to punch something by destroying it, Luna." She smirked, sliding her wavy hair over her shoulder. "What would you do if someone betrayed you and you trusted them, Racheal?" Luna asked breathlessly. "Well, I'm hunting those who made my life hell, but if it was me? They wouldn't have a head." She said mercilessly,

Once word spreads around, most reapers will feel enraged, and they should. But I don't want them capturing her, giving her a fair trial. Some people deserved a swift death. With Cole's scythe, I want revenge, Racheal."
Racheal gently placed her gloved hand on Luna's shaking shoulder. "Being angry is healthy, so use the rage. The second event is coming up. If you encounter Amanda, I'll make sure nobody interferes with your battle." She smiled sweetly, but cunning.
"It's a suggestion. No need to take my advice." Racheal shrugged. She claimed the pristane blade, stranded with the blood of her countless enemies.

Evening had settled in, the stars glimmered in the navy sky, the temperature plumped, becoming cold, the sweeping winds blowing though the thin clothing people wore during the warm day, night creatures made the forest around them sing, the ground rumbled. With, the sounds of a colossal dragon walking nearby the camp. Making the flowing alcohol shake, the chatter of the contestants died down, expecting danger. The magical barrier fluttered with the lashing wings.
Racheal stared out into the trees, expecting the attack from a dragon. The creature ignored them. The beast could crash the camp with one of it's massive feet. It roared hearing another of it's own kind call. Leaving following the sound. "It's matting season. The dragons consider us pests during this time." Racheal remarked. Laughing at some contestants' hideous looks.

The goddess materialised; a sudden hush descended upon the bustling camp. Morgaine clapped her hands sharply, applauding those who had survived the relentless hunt. With a graceful gesture, she pointed towards a flourishing tree, where a snow-white raven perched, its keen eyes observing the multitude of people gathered below.

"Snowflake shall be your guide," she declared, her voice carrying a melodic tone. "Follow the raven to the sliver city, the former abode of the reapers. There, you shall navigate a labyrinth of towering structures." As she spoke, she clicked her fingers, and an assortment of weapons materialised, mounted on gleaming racks. Beneath them, a delicate hourglass stood, its grains of sand poised to mark the passage of time. An hour before midnight, making the beginning of the second event.
Empty hourglasses used to seal away souls laid beneath the running sands.

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