Chapter Twenty-Seven Logan's POV The traitor exposed.

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Logan paced, waiting in the reaper shop. He left the monastery, ditching that snake. Vincent Logan never saw him coming. He trailed behind him without Logan knowing. The guardian allowed him to borrow his insight sphere. Logan had watched in horror as death used the wizard's desperation to strip away Luna's powers. He mourned for her loss, praying her soul could cure her, but a wizard's magic was difficult to combat.

Clusters of crystals grew along the cracks, absorbing excessive amounts of magical essence. Logan's hand turned transparent. Ever since the abyss queen captured his soul, he became distant from the remaining soul bane. And losing his existence. "Am I losing myself without my soul?"
He sighed, opening his eyes. Death's realms would be preparing for the seventh tournament of lore. No one noticed if he returned. Logan grabbed his personal link. He typed in Layla's contact information.
The guardian's steady pace guided Logan through the tunnel, the sound of their footsteps echoing off the damp walls. As they emerged, the vibrant rainbow mists enveloped Logan, carrying him beyond the borders of Estonia. Looking back, Logan watched as the entrance to the reaper shop flickered and vanished from sight. Suddenly, a strange sensation overtook him, causing his body to feel weightless. His arms shook as they turned transparent, sending a chill down his spine. He gasped,
Layla, meet me outside the village. Bring your bike. Nd hurry please." The whispering voices buzzed inside his head, hearing the voices of the departed souls and the musical tone of the abyss queen. Demanding Logan to return to her side.

Can we meet at the ruined tower? Layla replied. Logan's head throbbed, a wave of dizziness, he leaned against the icy stones, he breathed, till the sensation passed, he dry heaved, only coffee remained in his stomach, souls no longer sustained him, his body shook with weakness.
Once he could move, he walked to Shane's crumbled tower. The iron gate creaked. Logan listened, hearing the various wildlife returning to the land after three months of harsh winter, as the grass reached up to his waist. He swam, making a pathway freezing hearing the slithering snakes.

The crumbling tower, weathered by the harsh winters, seemed deserted. Even the majestic dragons disappeared. Logan leaned against the rotting front door. He hoped the others had escaped.
"What will I do when my soul returns? Enter the tournament? Protect Luna, ask the goddess if she was looking for a warrior? Logan frighted, becoming restless, hearing the roar of an engine approaching. Layla entered from the opposite direction. The motorbike hailed. Her helmet disintegrated into light particles, her raven hair shone in the moonlight, Layla's honey eyes shimmered. She gracefully dismounted the bike, hugging Logan.

"My god, you look like a ghost," Layla laughed. "We received the test results. Sorry I tested the blood multiple times. The reaper has a B blood type."
"Your brilliant Layla." Logan praised.
"I believe my hunch at who killed Cole. The window glass melted around the edges."
She gasped, "But death's powers are blood based." Layla replied.

"I won't revel in the person until, I'm sure." He gulped, knowing this was the end of the soul bane. "We should warn Luna,"
" I agree, but we should make you healthy first." Layla hopped on the motorbike, Logan wrapped his hands around her waist, Layla drove to the silent cemetery.


The local wildlife refused to enter the grounds. The foul stench of earth and blood mixed overwhelmed them. Gravestones laid smashed to pieces, defiled by Lurkers. Logan shivered, recalling his actions with disgust. Layla guided them into the destroyed crept. Only one wall, where the hole remained, where the queen escaped, Logan shuttered remembering being held prisoner by the beasts. Layla leaped into the darkest abyss.

The abyss reminded him of an abandoned shipyard. Crying souls remained trapped, still under the queen's control. They floated around the ageless shipwrecks. Logan jumped on the debris crossing the lavender sea. An unseen creature growled underneath the waves. He fearlessly jumped through the second hole.

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