Chapter Nine The corrupted Market

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                                                                         Matthew's POV

Matthew stepped out of the water vortex. He ignored the scorching pain flaring through the mystical runes that bound him to the underworld. His clothes dried, he walked along the tunnel; he hadn't stepped foot into the corrupted market in four years. As usual, they packed the tunnels and domes beyond with eager customers and vendors selling illegal merchandise.
'If the enforcers found this place, the jails would overflow with everyone from the corrupted market. They would deem everyone in this place a criminal.' Matt thought. Smirking to himself.
One whistle-blower and Blackmail's entire operation came down in smoke and ruins. He headed north, past the crowded vendors wanting to sell you your next vice of enchanted knowledge root, a potent root, when ingested or drunk, sent the consumer into an enlightened state, helping with productivity and research. However, while coming down from the heightened state of awareness, the user would suffer mood swings and episodes of paranoia.

People who became addicted would constantly crave the enlightened state. Some recent victims sat along the walls of the dome, their eyes vacant, while they spoke incoherent words with one another, words no sane person would ever decipher. Matthew dug into his pocket, throwing a few irons their way, pitying them. But nothing could help them now.
He approached the guard, handing the creature the sealed letter. The glowing green eyes inspected the black teardrop one of black sail's markings.

Allowing Matthew entry into the private dome, a sea dragon, green and teal scales, glided past the window. The dragon caught a fish, a cloud of blood filled the water.
'At its core, nature is cruel, but the cycle of life and death is endless.' Matt rolled his eyes. Even without facing David, he knew the man's irritating voice.
'Just admit you find a sadistic pleasure in witnessing a creature's death David, instead of spouting useless nonsense, you're showing your age,' Matt said. The monotone chuckled that filed his ears sent shivers up and down Matt's spine. There was a note of cruelty within his arrogant laugh.
'Tell me, how's Luna?' David asked.

Matthew turned around, ignoring the question. He approached the lavish dining table, finding an assortment of berries, meats, steamed fish, and exotic meats. He wasn't brave enough to sample. Matthew sat down when he heard the water vortex opening. Members of the syndicate took their places, chatting amongst themselves, while cutting the sticky gazed venison provided. He helped himself to the cherry wine, detecting a sharp sour note, glancing at those gathered.
He recognised a few faces of Luke; he controlled the harbor and imported most of the illegal goods into the corruption market. He often supervised the dragon He was the younger brother of Greyson, clean shaven, and had his hair tied back. He dressed casually in the red and greens of his family; he carried their ambitions on his board shoulders. He raised his glass towards Matthew in greeting. While never taking his eyes off someone standing beyond Matt. Matthew responded, rising his own glass. He trusted .

Red scar silently sat in the seat beside Matthew. The thirty-year-old man wore his traditional leather hunting gear, the warm cloak conceding his permeant scars from prying eyes. He nodded silently towards Matthew. His fiery orange eyes burned, exhausted.

Dark circles accompanied his intimidating gaze. The man returned to the book that held his attention.

Whispers filled the dome. Matt had his palm pressed against his cheek in boredom. Their host was late. Matt swallowed his wine, the one pleasant taste of cherries, turned bitter, when he overhead Death's conversation with another member and heard Luna's name mentioned.
'So, you banished someone who you're not even sure had anything to do with your son's death? That's pitiful even for you, David.'
Stay out of this, Lord Drake. The evidence was against Luna. She had Cole's blood all over her. You have never lost a child before.'
In your grief-stricken mind, you blamed an innocent person, without gathering the facts?' Matthew questioned. Their argument interrupted by a door opening.
They both stood. 'One touch. Lord Drake and I'll drain the life out of you within seconds.'
'Enough! save your personal disputes for later, this is neither the time nor the place, ' Matt and David both glanced in the voice's direction.

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