Chapter Fourteen Collective Nightmares

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As the cream mare stepped into the dragon sanctuary, the tower stones whistled in the strong winds. After removing the bridle, she stored the horse in the stable. While the mare took a drink, she caressed the horse's skin. Someone left a bowl of fresh oats.

She closed the doors to the stable. Luna checked the tower. Every room was empty. There was no sign of either Shane or Racheal. Only the empty bowl of fruit, Luna left for Shane to eat. She turned, hearing the floorboards creak behind her; she spun around. Kaiden grinned. "Welcome back. Shane and Racheal have gone to scout out Rust Hill. They figured we would catch up, can't stay out of trouble, can you miss reaper? " Kaiden smirked.

"Soul Bane ambush."
"Ah, I have something to show you. This cloak will ensure you don't freeze to death when we cross the Tundra Planes."

He left the room; Luna heard the door to the tower close. He returned a few minutes later presenting with a grey wolf's pelt cloak; she placed it around her slender shoulders to test the size.
The cloak came down to her combat boots. Despite her petite size, the thick wolf's fur provided warmth. Kaiden fastened the cloak. With a sliver raven, she covered her face with the hood, fur brushed the back of her head. She removed the cloak, returning the lovely crimson cloak back to Kaiden who stored it inside a chest.


Kaiden and Luna travelled south. The sky darkened with the scent and humidity of rain as they reached the summit of Rust Hill. The soil turned crimson from soaking up the blood from the countless battles fought. Black forbidding ruins peaked over the hill, absorbing the droplets of rain. The black onyx pillars began emitting eerier waves of white light.
They found signs of tampering in the unmarked graves. The mud parted. undead soldiers rose from their resting places, still wearing pieces of their battle amour.

They guarded the ruins of Rust Hill; the air turned lurid with the decaying scent of death. Luna covered her mouth with her scarf. Her eyes watered. The skeletons dropped squirming maggots into the mud. Kaiden heaved at the sight of them.
"Use your mask. It will block out the stench."

The once magnificent temple which stood on Rust hill, from centuries past. Now in collapsed ruins, abandoned by its worshippers, a looming archway stood behind the altar, untouched by the rain or the rubble. Whips of golden light carried overlapping voices from beyond. A sense of dread filled Luna's heart. Kaiden and Luna joined their companions. "So, where are we in accessing the underworld?" Luna asked.

Shane stood by the altar, leaving an offering of red wine and honey glazed meat, which appealed to the Delmora of the underworld. Racheal frowned, scanning the area the enchanted skeletons gathered around the temple. Her sword drawn, hitting the skeleton on the head, the bones crumbled into a pile. "The offerings are done. We are just waiting for their approval." Shane said.


Kaiden's skin crawled as the skeleton hissed. The archway of death beckoned him. He recoiled, knocking into Luna, who grasped his trembling hand.
They approached the archway. Luna peered into the golden light. A figure's skeletal fingers appeared out of the shimmering light. "A price?" Luna asked. The bony fingers twitched, waiting.
She reached around her waist and untied the black hourglass, the smooth glass cools against her fingertips as she laid the precious soul into the outstretched fingers. The figure inspected the offering with a piercing gaze, their eyes burning with intensity. The Delmora gave a nod. Accepting the offerings, the figure smiled. State your business."
"We seek an audience with lord Drake." Shane said.
"Come forth."

Luna led Kaiden through the archway, hearing Kaiden's heartbeat stop...

Luna glanced at Kaiden. Concern filled her gaze as his complexion became pale. Those who entered the underworld died. Her own heartbeat slowed; the intense heat made droplets of sweat to cling to their skin. Shane and Racheal came through the simmering archway, their heart rates slowing.
Luna questioned if Racheal was human. Her heartbeat should have stopped, not slowed. Shane had immortal youth on his side. Their bodies adjusted faster to the underworld's heat faster than any human.
A smaller hooded figure waited for them on the other side of the archway. The voices whispered about people's eventual death. The Delmora spoke in a language neither Luna nor her companions could understand. She stared back at the archway; the skulls glowed with golden eyes, their teeth moving with silent words, sliver vines wrapped around the pillars. The archway's golden light had faded, leaving nothing but more trees. Racheal squeezed Luna's shoulder, breaking her out of the frightening feeling she had felt from the archway.

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