31 Make His Pockets Hurt

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"Do you do anything other than read?" Theo's voice wafted into my mind and I look up from my book with a raised eyebrow.

"Do you do anything other than annoy people?"

"Nope it's my specialty," he says entering the living room and taking a seat next to me.

"Well if you must know I do lots of things," I say going back to reading.

"Like what?"

"Eating the souls of boys I find annoying," I say gazing up at him for a brief moment.

Instead of looking disturbed as most boys would at that statement, Theo was nothing but amused. "Oh, darling I have no soul."

"You do," I say turning a page. "It's just very small and almost unnoticeable...like your dick."

"Or like your tits?"

I laughed covering my boobies with my hands. The AUDACITY. To be truthful I was just reading to pass the time by faster. Draco had been gone all day and I missed him. Theo was great company don't get me wrong but we were basically the same person and I was getting sick of him.

My mind wandered off to these past few weeks with Draco. I have seen a side of him I never thought was possible. He was kind, caring, sweet, and so gentle. At first he didn't like cuddling, but now it was all he wanted to do.

According to Theo it wasn't really Draco and he was replaced by a skin walker, which honestly is believable. He's changed so much in such a short time, but maybe this is who Draco had always been? Maybe he's always been like this, but just hasn't had anyone he felt he could open up to on this level.

His father is just AWFUL so I could see why he has so many walls up, and is scared to be who he is. He probably grew up being told emotions were a weakness and real men didn't cry. I could see it in the way Lucious treats Narcissa. It was clear that he made her feel so small, when he wasn't around she was more outgoing and talkative.

I looked up to see that Theo was staring and analyzing me. He's been doing that a lot recently.

"Do you want something, Theo?" I ask marking my page with a bookmark and closing the book. "Or did you just come in here to annoy me?"

"Yes and yes."


"I want you to cut my hair and dye it blonde."




"It'll piss off Draco when he sees how better I look."

I roll my eyes setting my book down and he grins at me. "Alright but only because you remind me of someone."

"I bet that person's super hot, but of course I'm sure I'm hotter," he says pulling out his wand. "Accio." In a moment all the things I'd need to do his hair appeared on the table. "Try not to fuck this up."

"I won't...as long as you don't piss me off in the next thirty minutes," I smirk and he narrows his eyes.

"Don't you dare."

"No promises twinkle toes."

*Thirty Minutes Later*

I sat on the living couch with a brush in one hand and a bowl of bleach in the other. "Stay still," I say to Theo as he squirms on the floor. Theo sat in between my legs eyes trained on the tv as I bleached his hair. He had the sudden urge to go blonde.

"Try not to be a slut when school starts okay."

Theo scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Then what's the point in going blonde?" He bops his head and I groan.

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