39 Goblet Of Fire

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There was a pleasant feeling of anticipation in the air that day. Nobody was very attentive in lessons, being much more interested in the arrival that evening of the people from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang; even Potions was more bearable than usual, as it was half an hour shorter.

The breeze played with my hair giving it the same buoyant wave as the orange leaves above me. The large tree in the courtyard shielded me from the hot sun as I sat beneath it with my books laid scattered around me in disarray.

Willow slithers on top of my legs enjoying the shade and silently watching the students who passed by.

A cool breeze passes through and the sound of fluttering makes me look up. Slowly a peace of parchment floats down and lands on top of the book in my lap gracefully.

The paper itself was blank at first but it began to write a message in black ink. I recognized this immediately. It was a simple spell that came in handy from time to time. It only allowed the person who the letter was for to read it's contents, anyone else would see an empty sheet of paper.

It was an exclusive invitation to a welcome party being hosted by the Slytherin's for the students from the other schools.

"So you coming?" I look up to see Draco leaning against the tree with his hands in his pockets.

"Of course," I smile. "Where've you been? You keep disappearing on me."

"Around,"  he says sitting next to me.

"Around?" I scoff. "...With who?"

"Are you trying to accuse me of something?" He snaps making me jump.

"N-No," I say shaking my head. "Of course not."

He relaxes at this and runs a hand through my hair turning my face towards his. "It's only you love," he says before kissing me gently. I nod focusing back on my work and he frowns.

"You're upset now," he sighs. "Come with me," he says putting my books away, standing, and holding a hand out for me.


"I'm gonna make it up to you."

I melted instantly. This is the Draco I wanted. The bell rang signaling that the students would be arriving.

"We can't right now," I say taking his hand.

Draco pouts before smirking, he wraps his hands around my waist pulling me into him, and kisses me on the nose. "We've got all night, love."

I blush and let him lead the way to where we were all meeting. Draco reluctantly let's go of my hand and gives me a sweet kiss when the Heads of Houses were ordering students into lines.

On his way to the Slytherin section he passes by Hermione who blushes. I raised an eyebrow, but assumed it was probably cause she hates him so much.

"Weasley, straighten your hat," Professor McGonagall snapped at Ron. "Miss Patil, take that ridiculous thing out of your hair."

Parvati scowled and removed a large ornamental butterfly from the end of her plait.

"Follow me, please," said Professor McGonagall. "First years in front . . . no pushing. . . ."

We filed down the steps and lined up in front of the castle. It was a cold, clear evening; dusk was falling and a pale, transparent- looking moon was already shining over the Forbidden Forest. I stood between Davina and Lee in the fourth row from the front.

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