20 History

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"Mum?" I say knocking softly on the door to the office.

"Come in."

"Hey you called for me?" I asked walking up to her desk and sitting in one of the chairs.

"Mhm," she says writing on a piece of paper. I wanted a moment for her to finish.

When she was done she took a deep breathe and gave me a nervous smile. "I think it's time we had a talk. I know you've been very confused about a lot of things going on, which is partly my fault...Before I start I need you to understand that there is a reason this has all been held from you."

I nodded slowly. Was she going to tell me the truth about Sirius? "I understand."

She stood up walking over to a shelf, and waves her wand in a cross pattern muttering a few words. The shelf rumbles and opens like a door.

"Come on," mum says motioning for me to follow her.

"I-Okay," I say in shock getting up and following after her. As soon as I stepped in the shelves closed behind me and lit up revealing another mini office.

"What is this place," I mutter turning around and taking it all in.

"Our families history," she says walking over to one of the shelves. "Every last book in here was written by us. It's who we are," she says.

"Is there information about chaos magic?" I asked touching one of the books.

Mum moved over to a spot that was the perfect size for the book Sirius gave me. "There was but it was stolen by Tom Riddle. Derek and I have been searching for it for over a decade now," she says sighing. "It's the key to who you are. Your abilities, weaknesses, and everything else."

"Oh...is that why you're never around?"

Mum nodded. "I'm sorry. I know you've been angry with us for not being around...but Aurora if there is anything I can do to help you. I will."

I look down at my feet feeling guilty. This whole time I thought she was just being selfish or hated me, but instead she was trying to help me. "Why do I need the book anyways?"

A lot of people made sacrifices..." she closed her eyes taking in a deep breath. "For us."

"What do you mean?" I asked more confused than ever.

She motions for me to sit on the couch and I do. "It'll be better if I just show you," she says putting her fingers on my temple.

"Show me what?"

"The beginning of it all of course. In order for you to understand you must see." She closes her eyes and I did the same. "Let me in Aurora." I nodded and relaxed my mind. I could faintly here my mother counting down from five before everything went blank.


"Sirius!" Auna yells throwing her hands around the boy that was much taller than her. Sirius chuckled hugging her back and smelling her hair as he often did.

He heard chuckles and looks to see Remus, Regulus, and James making kissy faces in his direction. He rolls his eyes pulling away from the girl he loved more than life itself. "Little wolf." He says smiling brightly at her. It was his nickname for her. He saw her as small and precious, but she had a nasty bite if provoked.

Auna smiles brightly up at Sirius. It was the last day of school and they had planned to skip class and spend as much time together as they possibly could. They'd both be going home the next day. Her to her large mansion and Sirius to his. They both came from important and prominent families and neither shared the same views of their parents.

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