33 Even

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"It won't take long," I assure Draco. We were outside sitting beside a bonfire with the rest of our friends. I sat in his lap with one hand around my ass and the other massaging my stomach. I leaned into him and sighed in contempt. The way he held me felt amazing and safe.

The smile that was on Draco's face disappears and turns into a frown. He squeezed my thigh before patting and nodding. "Alright but be safe," he warns.

"I will," I say getting up and kissing him. What was intended to be a quick peck turns deep and passionate as he holds the sides of my face.

"Don't be too long," he mummers sweetly against my lips making me blush.

"This is intolerable," Pheobe groans in disgust. "Absolutely intolerable."

Theo scoffs. "I've had to deal with this for months."

I roll my eyes flicking the both of them off. I retraced my steps along the lantern-lit path, with leprechauns kept shooting over my head, cackling and waving their lanterns.

I had no idea where their tent was and if I was any average wizard it would be near impossible unless I had a broom and went flying around, but that wasn't an option.

I closed my eyes thinking about the first Weasley that came to mind. George. I opened my eyes again and I stood outside what looked like a simple tent.

I wasn't sure if my plan had worked, but I was quickly assured at the sound of familiar voices arguing with one another.

I was ready to walk in but instead I hesitated and listened. They were arguing enjoyably about the match; Mr. Weasley got drawn into a disagreement about cobbing with Charlie, and it was only when Ginny fell asleep right at the tiny table and spilled hot chocolate all over the floor that Mr. Weasley called a halt to the verbal replays and insisted that everyone go to bed.

Hermione, Bella, and Ginny exited the tent bumping into me. "Hey who!?" Bella's eyes widened and she squealed jumping into my arms.


I squealed as we tumbled into the grass. "Bella get off!"

"Don't. Ever. Leave. Me. Again!" She says between slaps. "Ginny and I have had to deal with Fred and George's pranks for two months! Since you weren't here to threaten them and keep them occupied they've been torturing us!"

Ginny nods folding her arms. "Please tell me your coming home now," she pleads.


I stood up lifting Bella along with me. "I-"

The tent opened and out stepped Charlie and Arthur.

"Oh I am glad I'm not on duty," muttered Mr. Weasley sleepily. "I wouldn't fancy having to go and tell the Irish they've got to stop celebrating."

"Yea I- Rori," Charlie beams spotting me and the girls.

Arthur looks in my direction and his smile lessens. Yep I'm in big trouble.

"Aurora walk with me for a moment," he says and I nodded following after him.

"Did someone say Rori?" Said Harry from inside the tent.

I silently followed Arthur away till we were in a more quiet and private area. "So are you gonna tell me or do I have to ask?" Says Arthur.

"Well...I'm sure your aware of where mum really sent me." He nods. "Well I went...but not alone."

"What do you mean not alone?" He asks cautiously. He could already tell he wouldn't like the answer.

"I brought Draco and Theo along."

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