1 The beginning

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In the depths of a dream, my mother, Auna, reached out to me with her soothing voice, gently calling my name, "Aurora." She repeated it several times, her words tugging at the delicate threads of my slumber. My eyes struggled to open, their heaviness a testament to the remnants of the dream that clung to them like mist.

As consciousness crept in, I found solace in the cocoon of warm, inviting sheets that enveloped me. Stretching lazily, I swept away the last vestiges of sleep from my eyes and turned my gaze towards the window. Beyond its frame, a vivid light painted the sky in shades of rosy pink. It was a sight most would deem beautiful, but for me, it was an ordinary occurrence, difficult to find profound meaning in. After all, the sun had risen faithfully since time immemorial, so what made this particular dawn so special?

If I were to admit anything, it was that I harbored no fondness for mornings. Sleep was my sanctuary, my only true respite in a day filled with demands. Glancing at my mother, who perched at the edge of my bed, I managed a grumble in response to her cheerful greeting, "Happy birthday, love."

My groan was an assertion that it was too early for such festivities. "It's far too early," I muttered.

Auna leaned closer, her voice tinged with affectionate exasperation. "We've let you sleep as long as we could, dear. You know your father and I have to depart soon to take you to the Weasleys'. Your sister is already up and eager."

My thoughts involuntarily turned to Bella, whose inexplicable love for mornings was a constant puzzle to me. She was always so animated and talkative at this hour. "I'm convinced she's not entirely human," I grumbled, sitting up.

Auna rolled her eyes, bestowed a kiss upon my forehead, and rose from the bed. "Get dressed and join us for breakfast. Niles gathered some exquisite fruits from the garden. Remember to dress warmly; it's snowing outside."

"Yes, Mum."

Thirty minutes later...

"Niles!" I heard the high-pitched urgency of his voice echoing from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm on my way!" I called back, hurrying down the stairs and slipping into a cozy red sweater adorned with a golden 'A,' a thoughtful gift from Mrs. Weasley. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at Niles' impatient tone.

"What took you so long?" he chided. "Your parents wanted to share breakfast with you before we leave."

"Morning isn't my strong suit, Niles. I'm like a malfunctioning robot in the early hours," I quipped, adding a robotic dance complete with squeaking noises for emphasis. As we entered the kitchen, Niles busied himself preparing a plate for me, while I proceeded to my seat.

Derek, my stepfather, couldn't suppress a chuckle as he playfully ruffled my curls when I passed his chair. "If only you were as obedient."

"Have you not watched any Muggle movies, Derek? It's a revolution! We robots are no longer slaves; we do as we please!" I proclaimed, waving my finger theatrically as I summoned his muffin to float into my hand. "Mmm, chocolate chip," I mused, savoring a bite.

"Aurora!" Miss Clara, our elf, exclaimed in disapproval, while Bella couldn't stifle a giggle. "Not very ladylike."

Derek shot me a mock glare as he retrieved his muffin. "Looks like someone needs a system reboot."

I raised my hands innocently. "Hey, it's not my fault I'm malfunctioning," I quipped, directing my mother's attention. "You made me this way."

"You little rascal," she growled playfully, her smirk revealing her amusement. "Perhaps you should come here, and I can fix you. Or maybe Clara can give you some more lessons in manners."

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