36 Uno

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With heavy and trudging steps I slowly made my way down the creaking stairs. What I was about to do went against everything I believed in. I was gonna apologize first.

"I'm proud of you," says George pinching my cheeks. I scoffed just at the thought.

"Shut up ginger," I say smacking his hand away. I reached the bottom steps and walked into the living room, with George a few steps behind. Everyone was playing cards and by the looks of it, it was uno. This could get ugly.

"Didn't mum ban uno after what happened last time?" I asked.

They all glared at me in the heat and excitement of the game, and I held my hands up in defense. "Too soon?"

I looked at Angelina who didn't seem to be playing and was just leaning on Fred. They honestly looked happy and comfortable around one another. The anger I was feeling earlier disappeared as Fred laughed at something Angelina said that made Ron yell in anger.

I understood Angelina, I didn't want to but I did. If the guy I was in a relationship and in love with treated another girl how he had me I'd be pissed as well. I wonder if she knew? I knew she was being bitchy because she suspects something happened or is happening between Fred and I, and she was right, but of course, I wasn't going to tell her that.

"Angelina," I say grabbing her attention.

She turns to me and I nod towards the back door before turning and going to wait on her. I was outside for less than five minutes before the door opened and shut behind her.

"What is it?" she asks.

"I'm sorry," I say sincerely.

Angelina was shocked.. "No, I'm sorry," she blurts out. "I was so mean and I didn't mean any of it! I...I just feel like you and Fred are a lot closer...than you lead on."

"Oh no no no Fred and I are just friends...at least we were."


"I hope we can be friends again?" I say avoiding eye contact.

"Of course, it was a stupid fight." We both sigh as if a weight had been lifted off our shoulder.

"...So you and Fred huh?"

"Yea," she says blushing. "I really think he's the one." My heart sank seeing the way her eyes lit up just at the mention of him. "So you and Draco huh?" she teases.

I blush as well. "Yeah, I guess I did like that idiot after all."

"It's kind of funny that we both fell for boys we use to hate," she giggles.

"You hated Fred?"

"God yes! He use to test his pranks on me with George till one day I pranked him back so good he insisted we be partners instead of enemies," she giggles fondly remembering.

"Do I sense a blooming friendship?" says George sticking his head out the window we stood by.

"Do you sense my foot that's about to go up your ass?" I say glaring at the nosey boy.

"How about we celebrate with a party this weekend!" He says excitedly. "We'll finally be back at Hogwarts what better way to celebrate than a party-"

"And let me guess you want me to convince the Slytherin's to have it in their common room?" I raise an eyebrow.

"If you insist! You're so thoughtful," he says kissing my cheek and running back to the living room to tell everyone.

I roll my eyes and give Angelina a look. "See what I deal with?"

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