44 Dragons

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"I don't know and I don't care. They are dead as far as I'm concerned. I gave him the best..." I begin to count on my finger. " June...September...November...FOUR months of my life," I huff. "I've just been avoiding him and Hermione's at all costs. Usually I would be planning my sweet revenge, but I just- can't deal with them right now. I am putting them on the back burner so I can focus on the first task. No worries D the best forms of revenge takes time," I say to Davina as we enter The Three Broomsticks.

It was packed, mainly with Hogwarts students enjoying their free afternoon. I spotted Ron, who was sitting with Fred, George, and Lee Jordan. Resisting the urge to leave I followed Davina sitting next to her and across from the boys.

There was an awkward silence as I ran my hands through my curls avoiding eye contact with both George and Fred. Things were just too messy right now.

I just suffered through a heartbreak with a guy who I had and still do have strong feelings for. Things have been so hectic I haven't even had time to mourn our relationship or even figure out what to do. Things were just moving too fast.

George, my greatest friend in the world, and I haven't been talking since I found out his dirty little secret. A secret that I now know putting me in the middle of their drama.

I scowled she couldn't have chosen someone I didn't care about to cheat with? Honestly who goes for the other brother? You can't love them both.

Then there's Fred. Good old always driving me insane Fred.

I jump slightly being brought out of my thoughts when he slides a butter beer in front of me. "Thanks," I mutter giving him a small smile that he returns.

I lapsed into thoughtful silence,  drank my butterbeer, watching the people in the pub. All of them looked cheerful and relaxed. Ernie Macmillan and Hannah Abbot were swapping Chocolate Frog cards at a nearby table; both of them sporting Support Aurora Wyllt! badges on their cloaks. Right over by the door I saw Phoebe and Luna and a large group of her Ravenclaw friends.

I thought of Sirius, and the tight, tense knot in my chest seemed to ease slightly. I wonder what his opinion would be in all of this? Since I hadn't been writing Sirius like I promised he's been getting all the tea from boy wonder.

I roll my eyes mentally. He isn't my father yet he nags Harry to tell me to write as if he is. I finally agreed to speak to him and in just over twelve hours, tonight we were meeting at the common room fire — assuming nothing went wrong, as everything else had done lately. . . .

"Look, it's Hagrid!" said Lee.

The back of Hagrid's enormous shaggy head emerged over the crowd. I wondered why I hadn't spotted him. I noticed that Hagrid had been leaning low, talking to Professor Moody.

As I watched, I saw Hagrid and Moody get up to leave. Moody, however, paused, his magical eye on the corner where I was sitting. He tapped Hagrid in the small of the back (being unable to reach his shoulder), muttered something to him, and then the pair of them made their way back across the pub toward our table.

"All right, Wyllt?" said Hagrid loudly.

"Of course," I said, smiling back.

Hagrid now bent down on the pretext of reading Lee's newspaper, and said in a whisper so low that only I could hear it, "Aurora, meet me tonight at midnight at me cabin. Wear that Harry's cloak."

Straightening up, Hagrid said loudly, "Nice ter see yeh, boys, Davina," winked, and departed. Moody followed him.

I regretted coming the moment I saw George and Fred, but when the door dings and Angelina walks in making both boys instant snap their head in her direction, I felt helpless.

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