3 He Was On Fire

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I'm walking down the hall with Pheobe and Davina on our way to Flitwick's class when we heard a loud clap, followed by screams. Davina and I make eye contact and quickly turn around to see orange smoke turning around the corner and Fred, George, and Angelina running our way.

"What are you two-"

"No time to talk!" Fred and George yell in unison running around us.

"Move!" Angelina yells running in-between Davina and I pushing us out the way. I stumble forward nearly falling to the ground but Phoebe catches my arm.

"Fucking Wankers," I say angrily watching their forms disappear down the hall. It's now the end of October and ever since school's started I've only talked to my best friends twice. TWICE! I see them all the time, but they're always occupied with their other friends or with Angelina. I wouldn't say I'm bitter, but I do feel lonely, even tho I have other friends.

"Why is it that every time I see them they're running away from something?" Pheobe asks as we continue heading towards class.

"Because they're idiots," I mutter walking into Flitwicks class.


A paper ball hits the side of my desk while Flitwick had stepped out for a few moments. I look to my right to see Draco who sat across from Hermione and I. I glared at him and he looked at me confused. Hermione had told me all about how he tried to get rid of Neville's gift his grandmother had given him.

"I'm not talking to you."

I turned back around only to have another paper ball thrown this time it landed perfectly on my desk, but I simply brushed it out of the way. A few minutes later I felt something soft hit my head and fall to the floor, looking to see what it was I found yet another piece of paper.

"Just ignore him," Hermione whispers. I nod trying my best to read the book in front of me. The paper balls stopped and I eased up thinking that Draco had stopped trying and had given up, but I was wrong. Not too long later a quill pen had rolled next to my desk and Draco got up from his desk leaning down to pick up the quill.


"I'm not talking to you."

He stares at me for a moment before his face turns sour pulling my hair. "You just did you idiot." I gasp holding my head with one hand and smacking him with the other. We were about to get into a full blown fight but the door opened and Professor Flitwick walked in.

"Mr. Malfoy and Miss Wyllt what are you doing up?"

"Nothing," I mutter sitting back down, glaring at Draco. Draco moved back to his seat sitting down the both of us still glaring at each other.

"Alright then. Today we are learning about one of a wizard's most rudimentary skills, levitation the ability to make objects fly. Uh, do you all have your feathers?"


"Ugh for the love of Merlin use a fork!" I say angrily at Ron who was eating sausages with his hands.

"Why? I've got two perfectly good forks at the end of my arms."


It was Halloween night, the great hall has floating Jack O'Lanterns in place of the candles. I look around noticing that Hermione was missing, usually she'd be complaining about what a sloppy eater Ron is.

"Where's Hermione?" I ask Ron.

He looks down at his food with a guilty expression. "I don't know, I'm not her boyfriend."

I raise an eyebrow at his defensive tone. "What did you do?"

"She may have heard Harry and I talking about her."

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