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The forest is always supposed to be deep yet beautiful, so beautiful. It is secured, it has to be as it hides deep dark secrets inside it. 

The green, lush forest had everything that appealed to the eyes' of any human being and the calmness provides peace to numerous and it of course is home to people who once ran, needed protection or needed to hide. 

"How long do you think we can hide this Junghyun?" A beautiful woman, dressed in a bright yellow floral dress questioned the said man, whose fingers were interlaced with her. 

"I don't know, Youra, I don't know." The said man replied as a breathy sigh left his already parted lips. 

"I-I now feel s-scared, Junghyun. You know that m-my parents are not even here in this world anymore yet I didn't ever feel lonely or s-scared. Yet now, I feel so. I don't want to lose you." Youra, the beautiful girl spoke as a single drop of tear left her left eye, making her sniff slightly. 

"I'll talk to my parents soon. Please, just wait for some more time." The boy replied as he slowly rubbed soothing circles on the girl's palm. 

"Time. That's exactly what we don't have. You have been trying to convince me to wait for the last one year, Junghyun. You haven't been with me for a few months, we have been together for three years, hyun. How much more time? I don't have anyone in my family to object to, yet your family doesn't even know about me and I know why but hyun, you need to understand my feelings as well." Youra voiced her feelings as she faced her boyfriend who stared at her helplessly. 

"You have a brother, Youra." Junghyun replied with a small voice. 

"A brother who is eight years younger to me. His family is only me and my happiness is everything to him. He wouldn't ever oppose but your family isn't a twelve year old boy, Hyun." Youra replied as she felt slightly irritated at the boyfriend's words. 

"Ra, you know how my father is. I am an alpha, Ra and you are a b-beta. Father always wanted me to mate with an alpha." Junghyun voiced out softly as he heard a soft scoff. 

"And you didn't know this before you fell in love with me? Before you made me fall in love with you? Hyun, it isn't a joke and you're not in kindergarten. The decision is simple. If you want me, you talk to your parents and if your Alpha ass is so scared of your father then you must leave me. Stop giving me false hope." Youra said, her voice going stern with each and every word. 

"I love you, Youra. You know I don't believe in whatever father says or has faith in. But I am waiting for the right time, I don't want to spoil the only chance by bringing this up at the wrong time." Junghyun replied almost immediately. 

"I love you too, Hyun and you know this is the only reason why I can't ever let you go and I can wait centuries for you." Youra replied as tears brimmed in her eyes. 

Junghyun chuckled as he slowly took Youra's face in between his palm and leaned in ever so slowly that it burst Youra's heart with love and happiness. 

Their lips met shortly as the forest that has been hiding their love for three and a half years witnessed it fondly. The two lovers met while they were simply strolling around. Six months of laughter, giggles and strange similar personalities made their friendship bloom into a love that shouldn't have been taking place at the very first place. 

Youra hugged her boyfriend tightly as Junghyun took in her beautiful flowery scent and closed his eyes. He felt at peace, he felt at home yet that didn't last much longer. 

"JEON JUNGHYUN!!" A loud and dominant voice roared in the deep forest that almost shook mother nature. 

The young couple was aggressively detached from each other as horror filler their features. The one thing that they were scared of happened a bit too early. 

"You disgusting beta! How dare you touch my son with your unworthy hands? Are you from the family of witches? What spell have you casted on my son, you evil beta?" The dominant alpha screamed as his nostrils flared with fire in his eyes and venom in his voice. 

"NO! I haven't casted any spell on Hyun. I care about him more than any of you present here. He is my life, I wish to live my entire life with him. I love him. I LOVE JUNGHYUN." Youra yelled as tears of worry and stress left her beautiful, sparkling hazel orbs. 

"QUIET." The voice roared once again, shutting up every being in the forest. 

"Alpha Junghyun, is she saying the truth?" Head Alpha Jeon Jongsuk questioned his son with the same terrifying voice. 

Junghyun darted his face downwards towards the muddy land, few tears threatening to leave his eyes. 

"Yes Hyun! Tell him! TELL HIM!" Youra yelled again when the head Alpha looked at her, shutting her up immediately. 

"Junghyun! I asked you something." The head Alpha questioned as his nose flared, indication of his anger. 

Junghyun simply kept his head down and very slowly he shook his head, his answer clearly indicating a no. 

Jongsuk smirked, a smirk that defined his victory as Youra gasped loudly, her knees wobbling, making her fall on her knees. 

"My son is not someone who would try and love someone who isn't his mate. You pathetic beta dare and lie at the face of your head alpha? You know the consequences of that right? And now that you touched the son of head Alpha knowing he is unmated and not YOUR mate, you deserve death." Jongsuk announced proudly as Junghyun's head finally snapped up facing his father. 

"F-Father? You can't d-do that, that's t-too harsh, y-you can't order someone's death." Junghyun tried explaining his father yet it went inside no one's ears. 

"You don't get to question me. Her death is important. That will make others realize what happens when you dare to touch something you never was capable enough to even see. GUARDS! YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO." Jongsuk ordered as his voice led everyone to shudder and tremble. 

Youra didn't even look up, she knew she lost just when Junghyun rejected her. She accepted this, she accepted this as her fate. When her love rejected her, what would she do with her life anyway? 

She didn't think about anything else because suddenly she gave up. She didn't even think of her little brother. All she now wanted was to rest and once she witnessed the guards approaching her, a small smile made up to her lips. She will finally receive her rest. 

Jeon Jongsuk and Jeon Junghyun were already out of the scene. Jongsuk did not want his son to witness whatever happened there. 

Junghyun felt numb, he felt like a fool. He knew he was at fault. He is an alpha yet he felt weak, so weak that he felt he should kill himself as well. He couldn't protect that one person whom he loved with all his heart. Yet, he couldn't do anything and just followed his father, great head Alpha without uttering a single word. 

After Jongsuk and Junghyun left, the next moment happened in a jiffy. It was almost like a blurred movie. The guards approached her with long metal chains and suddenly all that one could see was Youra's body falling limp on the ground, her eyes shut with just two simple drops rolling out of them. 


Well um, Hi!?🤭🤭

To the new readers, welcome! This is your author and I hope you enjoy this story.


Okay, like my previous story, I won't reveal anything now, everything will be clear as you read the chapters!

Hope you enjoy this as much as my other stories!😂😂😂😂


Love, Miri!😚

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