Chapter Two

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"T-Taehyung.." The short boy moaned out as giggles and laughs erupted around him and a frustrated soul glared with anger.

"Jimin. Stop it. Enough of these jokes now. We're far from that stage, he has been here for a week only." The head Alpha--Jungkook voiced out sternly as his eyes glazed deep azure yet his neck tinted red matching his ear tips.

"You're already head over heels for Luna and it's not even a secret so I am pretty sure it wouldn't take much time for you both to reach that stage." Jimin replied, rolling his eyes, his eyes trying to hide the evident mischief.

"Yoongi hyung, I would be grateful if you would collect your man from here and take him somewhere away from me. Take him on a date, pretty sure that will shut him up." Jungkook replied as he watched his soon to be brother-in-law smirking standing at the corner of the dining hall.

"Well a long date would definitely shut me up." Jimin replied immediately, winking flirtily towards his fiance.

"Get ready then. Tonight, sharp 7." Yoongi replied, almost biting his lips, teasing the already flirty fiance of his.

"You both please take this to your room because this is grossing me out." Jungkook replied as he made a face that almost gave out how 'not so enjoyable' the conversation was for him because he was still quite far from courting the person with whom he could be this gross.

"I got the message. I'll inform my new best friend--oops sorry, our new Luna that you're looking for him. Bye Kooks." Jimin skipped and bounced on his steps and within a second was out of the hall even before Jungkook could retort.

"I don't know how you manage my brother." Jungkook spoke up rubbing his face with his palm as he heard Yoongi giving a heartfelt laughter as a reply.

"Love does that to people. You will know it one day." Yoongi replied shortly, a smile still evident on his lips as he left the hall as well.

Now, Min Jimin and Jeon Jungkook are not your typical brothers. They love each other and the entire world knows about it but the amount of teasing the elder does has no limit. He never goes overboard though but that's how Min Jimin, the beta of the pack, the right hand--the assistant is. He can talk for hours and make you drool over him yet in a snap he could glare at you and you would almost dissolve in your seat. Yeah that's just Park--well Min Jimin power. Park? Yes. He always carried his mother's surname. He liked it too much to let it go.

Min Yoongi, the Alpha, the brother-in-law of the head Alpha is nothing like his mate yet he is a funny and loving guy for those who know him. He may seem like a rock or lazy cat most of the time yet the energy that he has in him could make you think twice before crossing his path. How did Yoongi meet Jimin? Simple, they belonged to the same pack. Their love story was extremely simple yet mysterious because they shout out the example of opposite poles attract.

Jungkook shook his head slightly while he heard Yoongi's last comment. He smiles because maybe he will understand it soon.

"A-Alpha." The voice which Jungkook was craving to hear the entire morning finally made its appearance. The sweet sugar coated almost sweet like banana milk for Jungkook does things to him in a good way.

"Jungkook. Please address me as Jungkook. I am Alpha for others--for the pack but I am Jungkook for you." Jungkook spoke up as he immediately stood up from his seat walking slowly towards his mate, his Luna who was too engrossed to stare at the lavender marbled floor.

"J-Jungkook? Okay A-Al--I mean Jungkook." Taehyung replied as softly as he could or any person could but then again it's not a surprise because we're talking about the beauty, the one and only male omega, Taehyung here.

"I don't think my name ever sounded so beautiful before. Sorry for getting distracted, Taehyung but why are you here? You could've just called me." Jungkook spoke as his voice sounded almost guilty as if he had almost committed a big mistake.

"No Alp--I mean Jungkook I just wanted to get used to this place so it's better if I walk around. And I just wanted to spend some time with you." Taehyung uttered the words again ever so softly that Jungkook almost felt his heart getting away from its place and coming out to his palm so that he could present it to the pretty boy standing in front of him.

"O-Of course. Please c-come sit with me." Jungkook replied, cursing himself in his mind because how does a True blood Alpha stutter like this in front of their crush or mate, call it whatever you want to.

Small talks, unconscious touch and little giggles suddenly made the mates believe that they were simply extremely happy and grateful for their bond. They were definitely keen to know more about each other and they for sure already love each other's company.

"Oh my God, Jungkook, you were so naughty. How could you ask Jiminie for a duel when you know he stands no chance in front of you? You're a meanie." Taehyung uttered with a stern voice yet his face was red from laughing.

"Not my fault though. He accepted it and don't underestimate him, he gave me a tough competition." Jungkook spoke subconsciously pouting, thinking about how his brother got a nickname from his mate yet here he was at "Jungkook".

" I am sure he did." Taehyung replied and suddenly the room fell silent.

It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable yet the mates looked shy to talk about something more. None wanted the other to be in its shell yet none wanted to cross the line.

"Jungkook, I-I wanted to talk to you about something." Taehyung spoke up, a little scared, a little unsure.

"What happened, Taehyung? Are you alright? Is anything troubling you? You can tell me anything, I'll be here trusting you and listening." Jungkook replied as softly took Taehyung's delicate palm, who was sitting right in front of him in his own rough one.

"J-Jungkook, firstly I want to sincerely thank you for accepting me so lovingly in your pack---" Taehyung looked at their intertwined hands and then blushed at his own words but he decided it's better if he continues because Jungkook's gaze was blazing fire to his soul.

"--I am really so grateful to you and for you. But I-I am a little scared." Taehyung now almost whispered out.

"Scared? My Luna is scared in his own pack, why precious?" Jungkook asked as he evidently frowned, his eyebrows automatically creasing.

"J-Jungkook, you accept me in your pack and of course many others do but I-I feel some don't like the idea of me being here. I-I--Jungkook--I received a death threat. It was a small piece of paper but it s-scared me so much, I-I am sorry I didn't wan---" Taehyung's words were left incomplete when Jungkook fumed and stood up, pulling Taehyung with him as well.

"Who dared to threaten my Luna? Where is that paper, show it to me precious. I won't let them see another sunrise of their lives." Jungkook's true blood voice roared through the hall but Taehyung immediately pressed their bodies together in a light hug.

"I threw the paper, I am sorry I was so scared. I have always been running my entire life and this time I did the same by throwing away the piece of paper that scared me but Alpha, I am not scared anymore when I am near you." Taehyung said as Jungkook sighed holding his Luna close to himself.

"Then be it so. Your Alpha, your Jungkook will protect you through thick and thin from now on. I won't let you stay alone even for a minute and that's my promise to you, precious." Jungkook replied as he inhaled the sweet, calm oceanic fragrance more than he intended. Taehyung reminds him of the waves, the vast ocean that can cleanse one's soul. Oh, Taehyung smells just like Jungkook's peace.

"Thank you so much, my Alpha." Taehyung replied as he basked himself in the cotton candy fragrance.

Oh! No wonder the power love holds over any creature in this world can make all their senses blow away.

Oh they're so in love already, aren't they?? 🤧🤧

I love you guys❤❤



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