Chapter Twenty Eight.

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When the next day Taehyung woke up from his deep slumber even though he was really sleepy, he felt a sudden urge. A sudden craving for a person, the person being his Alpha.

Now, things were all back to normal and even Junghyun was behind the bars and surprisingly his mate wasn't even bothered. Taehyung didn't know if it was because of the curse or his destiny that made him like this because of what he had done to his sister.

Things were long forgotten. Mistakes were rectified and so were all the faults forgiven willingly and everyone felt at peace. Yet something couldn't help but bother Taehyung.

When Taehyung sat back and thought of the things he did to Jungkook he felt awful. He wanted to slap himself and smack some sense into himself because the person he should've taken revenge from should have been Junghyun. Jungkook was at no fault at all, so why did he have to behave like this with him? He felt so bad and upset that his entire sleepy self was back to awareness.

He inhaled a deep breath and then very slowly raised his hand up and touched his mark with his slender fingers which immediately gave him the tingly feeling all over his body. Sparks rose and so did emotions and so did a strong urge to feel his alpha close to himself.

"Just go to him. We need to see him. Be smart and confident at least once." Pearl sassed out as Taehyung rolled his eyes.

But for once he thought that he needed to give into those urges because c'mon he just feels this way for his alpha and no one else. He has the full right to crave for his Jungkook because that absolutely gorgeous and breathtaking man was his.

So slowly and softly Taehyung stood up from his bed and got done with his morning routine even though he was in a hurry to run to his alpha. He got dressed and of course put on a light lip gloss on his pink lips and then left the room.

"You're being so typical. It's Jungkook, he loves your natural self more." Pearl said as she rolled her eyes.

"Yes but what's there to not get ready a bit?" Taehyung replied as he smiled looking at himself one last time in the mirror and then walked out of the room.

He slowly walked towards Jungkook's room. He honestly felt so frustrated because wasn't he supposed to share a room with Jungkook after he marked him? Why did Jungkook have to be so gentleman-like? They could just stay together and be all couple-like but no Jungkook had to be the goody-two-shoes he is.

Taehyung huffed slightly and then very slowly pushed the door open to Jungkook's room where he saw such a breathtaking sight.

Jungkook was sleeping like a round soft baby on the bed, he was curled up in a half circle, his arms wrapped around himself. His hair messed up and went out in all directions and his mouth slightly ajar and very slight snores leaving his mouth at times. Jungkook looked like a newborn baby and Taehyung wanted to nourish him, adore him, and love him.

He tip-toed inside the room and slowly slid himself up on the bed and lay down on the bed facing Jungkook.

Now it wasn't a secret to Taehyung that Jungkook is a deep sleeper and he wouldn't wake up even if Taehyung played the whole sound system beside him so why wouldn't he take a lovely advantage of it? And so he did.

Taehyung slowly raised his hand and settled Jungkook's hair lovingly and then leaned forward and started placing kisses all over Jungkook's face except his lips.

"Why do I find you so irresistible?" Taehyung mumbled out as he placed a kiss on Jungkook's nose tip.

"Why can't I just say out loud that I love you so much?" Taehyung again mumbled out while he placed a long kiss on his forehead.

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